@pogswarts the AI is still good for the players but they can't replace humans, the AI in LFD2 weren't designed to be able to beat the game on the hardest difficulty they wan't people to play CO-OP
What! who would rather play BF2/BF bad company 2 or any COD game with bots rather than real people, where do these statistics come from? I mean it can be fun but it's not the same
Farcry 2! the AI push the boundary alright they are above human, they can tell where you are the second you shoot. I once shot a dart gun at a moving truck (while crouched and in foliage + camo upgrade) and it stoped turned around and came straight for me. Far Cry 2 is a good game, the AI aren't
on PC the third and forth pictures the grass disapears what's up with that? and also it's on 720p both the xbox and Pc version can go to 1080p not that your eyes would notice a difference untill it's played a a large screen
Scottisme's comments