@GameYakuza Love the interface, it kinda brings out the HD-ness that our generation is so fond of....I kinda wish PS vita had the same interface. Ps vita's Interface just plain sucks.
Ah Well...never thought i would say this but Tom Mc Shea is right this time around. I was just playing the game, and it just has too much structural weaknesses. I was just about expecting Devil May Cry-ish gameplay because of the swords and guns, but the game make's you fell like you're wielding sticks instead of swords. And, it's one of those game which just throws enemies at your swords to kill. Definitely no a game I would recommend to anyone, Especially deadpool fans.
Hey, gaming isn't an exclusive club where people with only giant gigabit speeds have access to. I mean the entire point of a console is to power it on and get to gaming. Not spend a substantial amount of time checking in online and what not. Also if you look at the map real hard, there are places outside of America, where Internet speeds are not so reliable. I can see this entire scenario working 10-15 years from now, maybe even 5 when Internet is like electricity. A general utility that exists constantly in all parts of the world. Until then i'm not so sure.
Also talking of places outside America, Korea has like 5gb/ps internet speed, what if they start demanding games that are only streamed online. No discs, no nothing. What will you "futurists" do then, eh. So all these high and mighty people with self assumed giant internet speeds need to calm the **** down, and stop defending absolute crap policies by Microsoft.
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