3. Understand and announce that this is all part of your 'research'
Btw, I don't get it. These guys at Gamespot are piratically paid to play games, so how is gaming counterproductive to them ??. Doesn't make sense, unless the guy was saying all this just to make a point on the rest of us poor sods.
But i kinda get what he said about playing games just for the heck of it. That happened to me with Injustice. I knew i'd hate the game and wouldn't play it more than one day, but i bought it just because of the posters, youtube videos and the hullabaloo. For things like that god bless gamestop, i guess.
Also i never got the whole DOTA, CS scene. I pick dota up every 6 months and put it down in an hour and go back to playing Dragon's Dogma or something like that. My friends, who incidentally have played a lot less games than me, keep forcing me to play dota saying how i would never be true gamer if I don't.
I think it's more about choice than anything. I mean there are a ton of titles out there, to each his own. I think I'm the only person on planet earth that doesn't really like Skyrim.
True. gender doesn't concern me. I only think that it would involve women more into gaming, seeing their sensibilities in games. Their aren't many games you can show off to women, in general. (The Last of US being an exception, to which my girlfriend is hooked). I would just like to see their exploration of the medium, their way of telling things in an interactive environments. I think it would bring a much needed freshness to the medium.
Somehow gamespot would'nt let me say everything i want to say. My comment keeps posting itself midway so i'll conclude by saying RE6 is a good game all and all, underated and bogged down by a pompous fan community which wants nostalgia rather that evolution, fan service instead of pure fun.I would be rather sad if the series goes back to it's roots. Going back to roots is boring.Resident Evil 6 isn't.
I honestly don't know what to say. When the game came out last year, like always I headed to gamespot.com for a review. I'm only a casual gamer therefore I must read reviews of games before spending 60$. I didn't buy the game seeing the review score. Now after it launched on PC,I purchased it and have finished it today. This is the only time a gamespot review has proved wrong to me. The game has a bit of issues, but it does not deserve a poor rating. Capcop is a company that doesn't flinch in taking crazy innovative risks and that shows in the game throghout. The greatest element the game has to offer is the lenghy campaign, which is solely missed in games nowadays. The game is sort of a tribute to Resident Evil games throughout the years, warts and all. It tries to input elements from every game in the franchise, not just Resident Evil 1 & 2.I also read that RE6 had the largest number of people working on it, in the history of the franchise, which really shows in the game. The game has very highroduction values.
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