A 7...??. The original review gave it 8 and now it's a 7. Do you mean to say that the expansion has further deteriorated the game..??.
The negative points the original review mentioned i.e costly ferrystones, backtracking etc have all been fixed in dark arisen, it's as if capcom was reading all those bullshit internet reviews and went ahead and fixed each one of them. I really hoped that there was a separate review for dark arisen, and now that there is, it's this crap. Also it's by Kevin VanOrd who i thought knew his RPG, and understood that backtracking in a dynamic open world rpg is essential to instill the scale and complexity of the game world.
I mean introducing fast travel would have been a giant **** you to the various glorious monsters you randomly meet in Dark Arisen. It's like intoducing fast travel in a gta game, it would totally contradict the game. Also the difficulty on Bitterblack is only high if you don't know what you're doing with your character build. I'v seen builds that can one shot any enemy in the game. The point of all the backtracking and the giant boss battles is to make you adept to this difficulty.
Dragon's Dogma is the most underrated game of the decade, and a prime testament to the fact that gamespot reviewers don't know what they're smoking.
@LADIES_MAN_2013 The city is apparently bigger but the story is shorter than GTA SA. So you end up spending more time in the game. Some people who've completed the game are saying this, so it's just speculation at this point.
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