Hmph...The reviewer probably didnt take into account that some games are meant to be played only after you're stoned...if there was a list of great 'high' games, this would right there on the top with every wwe or suda51 game made....
No mention of dragon's crown anywhere, brilliant Gamespot. After all the harking gamespot did throughout the year to promote art in games and what not, it ends up giving the awards to the sequels anyway...also what happened to all those excellent categories like Best Game no one played and best art direction.....and a special mention to sequels...really now.
Holy Hell Guys, this video need to be on top of everything..!!. This feature is soo much of a game winner i cant believe sony isnt promoting this at all. This quite frankly, is the first thing that feels next gen on all these next gen consoles.
An honest and fair review. Glad the reviewers aren't buying into the bullshit hype that games can do without.
Nevertheless , the reviewers can only say so much, so il'll spell it out for you, IT'S THE SAME GAME, GUYS. IT'S THE SAAAAAME GAAAAME!!!
Im so pissed that i bought this over.... Over anything really.
What they did was recycle all the existing character models, attacks, animations, pretty much everything with a slighly different setting. So you're pretty much fighting the same guys, using the same attacks, with the same gadgets for the same upgrades. The boss fighting dynamics are also the same, only the bosses themselves are different.
I just hope the sales aren't explosive like always, as this will encourage the gaming companies to follow this shitty way of making games i.e recycling.
I just hope the other sequels out this week arent the same game from two years back.
Again thumbs up to gamespot reviewers for not sucking up to the gaming companies and reviewing a product for what it is. Which in this case is the same product from two years back, only in a different box.
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