After reading all these comments, i kinda get that the gaming community is actually what everyone makes it out to be namely: a bunch of dicks with keyboards.I also get what Rockstar was trying to convey about our society in general . I am fucking enlightened. Thank you all.
About the review. It's fair and honest. I mean the game is good but gods gift to humanity, it ain't. CALM YOUR TITS.
@EquilibriumEos Oh wow it's the Credible Hulk, who analyses all the facts before carefully posting them on game forums.
Hey, we have the right to ask devs to give us a certain quality to things like video games, in which we engage our passions in. Or are we supposed to just consume all the stuff they throw at us, without making any noise, even if is crap.
I have played and enjoyed most castavania games for a decade now, and i really hate when good games get bogged down because of silly little things like the camera, which game engines nowadays literally code themselves for you.
There's a certain game called God of War, which also has a chain based weapon and you don't really need to " look closely" to notice the chains. And i really don't need to see the chains, all i meant was at least give us a weapon which fells like what it is supposed to portray.
Also yes this is an emotional rant. Because I'm pretty emotionally involved in video games laugh if you will.
Although i must thank you for giving me info on the collection on PSN. Saved me an entire google search process. Imagine that!.
Oh why oh why did they not include Kindom hearts 2 hd instead of those silly little cutscenes. Everyone else is doing it, I mean this is just a bloody port of a console of last gen ON a console about to be replaced, might as well give us everything.
It seems by the time we're on ps9 we'll have 16 copies of the same games in fiber ultra hd collections, looking ever so slightly better. So much for nostalgia.
Huh!!??... Doesn't this include Lord of Shadows 2 demo???...i kinda bought it for that alone.
Also if this updated graphics, I'm glad i didn't buy this when it came out originally Excellent effort but a little disappointing for a castlevania game. Also the weapon here is just a white effect line of some sort. It's supposed to be a whip but it just isn't.
And who thought up this crappy zoomed out camera, i don't wanna play diablo 3 again.FIX THE GODDAMN CAMERA MORONS. YOU'RE SPENDING 110 MILLION $ ON GAME DEVELOPMENT, AT LEAST GET THE CAMERA RIGHT.FOR FUCKS SAKE!!.
Let's see if this game changes to awesome in boss fights.
GOD..!!, why the hell is capcom on a self destructive path.and why is everyone just hellbent on fucking our cult franchises.
There's really something wrong with this generation of game devs, i mean what the hell did they grew up playing(or smoking), to spew these mindless barrage of quick time shooters. They should just shoot their concept guys and recruit everyone from Gamespot comments section.
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