C'mon guys a four player Darksiders game would have been epic if it was pulled of well. Perhaps a Borderlands for Hack/Slash. I mean, Darksiders 2 already introduced Borderland-ish loot system. This is why Joe Mad emphasized next-gen hardware. Maybe the next gen hardware could pull of 4 player games that don't look like B movies. That would be truly next -Gen.
Wow.this is how you write a review. I'm honestly never swayed by reviews, and was actually planning to give lara a skip this time. But this review has me rethinking my prior choice. Great review of hopefully, a great game.
@linthes999 @Nibinear It's a fine feature,but nothing breathtaking. I mean we don't actually need a dedicated button on the controller for sharing, that could possibly be done with a in game menu in the ps4 software....Also this function only makes sense for people making those walkthrough videos. For the rest of us....i don't know.
@abdullrahman @thequickshooter He's right me need more buttons and more advanced game that use more buttons and controls.That'll give players more things that they can do in-game.That'll be innovation. NOT THE SODDING SHARE BUTTON.
The SHARE button is the most stupid thing of the bloody decade. Next we'll have the like and poke buttons on the ps4...why cant sony just build awesomely powerful gaming consoles with great games instead of giving us another sodding device to run facebook on.
@DeViLzzz @Hellhound30x Cmon dude admit it,everyone here will buy the next gen consoles regardless of features.Even if sony gives us just another ps3 in a box that says ps4,people are still buying that shit.So yeah, we can only hope ps4 is good.
Woah..!!!....this is too sexy to be true innit...and i was wondering what all the hype is about.i mean if this come out it just might make gta 5 look like yesterday's leftovers.
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