Glad to know your are both sexist, and for the unethical treatment of humans that dare say women and men should both share the burden, responsibility, and duty of combat. Why should women not fight in wars, other than the "they are women and need to be protected!" nonsense? What makes a woman in need of more protecting than a man? You are implying that women are uncapable of protecting themsevles without males and that my friend is a rather ignorant to think. you worry about women becoming pregrant overseas you act like birth control would not be a viable option for all women combatents and you are also being sexist against men as you are implying that we cannot be around women without being sexual attracted to them, acting on impluses, and getting caught up in needless petty drama. Your ideas are nothing more than an outdated and ignorant opinion of women and men.
I understand where he's coming from, because I too don't necessarily see men and women as "equals", just as apples and oranges aren't equals. But he seriously need an update. It's like a throwback to 40 years ago. When a man married a woman in the private sector here, the woman was FORCED to give up her career, even if she lacked children. That was just the way it was done.
We both have roles, strengths and weaknesses. True, women are physically weaker(usually)then men, but that doesn't mean they're made of glass. They're not going to shatter into a million pieces lest a man jump in the way and "protect" them.
@WitIsWisdom, has a woman ever taken offence to you treating her the way you do? Obviously, your intentions are mostly innocent and kind-hearted but it's incredibly condescending. It'd be the equivalent of dumbing down your words to a person in a wheelchair because they're "interior" to you.
Thank you for trying to understand where I am coming from, but you do not have me nailed down.
I am a married man with two children. My wife of seven years has a full time job in a corporate office. She is extremely intelligent and is currently taking online courses to further her education. I support her in everything she does and I am proud of her achievements because she is my wife, not because she is an accomplished woman... that means nothing to me because I don't look at things like that.
I believe that women can do about anything men can do and vice versa. However, I have studied Psychology, psysiology, anatomy, instinctual pattern, etc. and it is scientific fact that men and women tick a differently. That is not a bad thing, and as a matter of fact I feel that I know more intelligent women then I do men. I also feel that more women can carry an intelligent thought provoking conversation for longer in most of my personal experiences.
However, that is all completely irrelevant to my stance on women in war. I do not try to go into to much detail with people on this site seeing as though it is a game website, and not one to try and be politically correct or try to flaunt your intelligence by befuddling others. It just astounds me at the ignorance that most people carry inside of themselves in thinking that mind overcomes matter. It has nothing to do with how strong or intelligent a person is. It has to do with chemistry and physical makeup.
The problems with men and women being in the same warzone, and eating, sleeping, fighting, etc. (doing everything), together for such prolonged amounts of time can not only desensitize men towards women, but can also lead to relationships and improper mind set in hostile situations.
My concerns or no deeper then concern for emotions dictating missions and possibly getting in the way of completing a mission all together. Everyone needs to be coherent to mission objective with little to no outside distractions.
People try to claim that they do not see a problem with mixed sex going to war together, and that is because of misunderstanding what a warzone can do to a persons head. I often yearned to get back to the states so that I could be around wonderful things like the smell of the ocean, a nice slice of pizza, and the smile and smell of the girls who would be waiting for our return. (note: everything smells like crap in Iraq) In my second combat tour, I got married before I deployed. I recieved three letters from my wife although she sent me dozens. The "men" that worked the mail room often stole or took pictures or personal items that girlfriends or wives sent their men. In one of those three letters I got, it had the smell of perfume on it and I carried it in my left cargo pocket everywhere I went and I could smell the perfume (probably long after the smell was gone). It made me remember how the "real world" still existed on the other side. I had to pull the note out in secret though, because the "wolves" (other guys) would attack others for such items. That is the mindset of war. Most men are pigs when given the chance and not put in check,
We got very few visits outside of the inner city of Fallujah, and when we did after months of being dirty/tired/hungry, most of us would go seek out the uso tents because of the phillipino girls that worked in them. We would forfeit chow, sleep, and most everything else for a chance to get close to female companionship. After all, war can mess with your head after months of having absolutely nothing, you realize just how much you left behind. It gives you a new respect for life.
If we had women in our ranks there are SEVERAL people I would not have trusted to have my back. In a warzone you are no better than the person to your left or right. This is not about WOMEN it is about MEN. I am saying that MEN are the reason why having women in a warzone with MEN is a bad idea.
Women can handle it, I have no concerns, I also believe that women can do anyting that put their minds too. My faith lacks with my own sex. The reasons are justified and true. THAT is why I hate feminism and women in war. Feminists think it is about liberation when in fact it is about trusting the other men to not "lose their heads" in the presence of women. Also something like "well that wouldn't happen to me" is easy to say or think when you have not had to live it.
Men have acted like fools in front of women since forever, and that will not automatically change just because it should. The decision will ultimately result in lives being lost without the need for further casualties.
Of course it will not always be men, and it will not affect everybody... however it might not harm the ones wrapped up in it, it could get SOMEONE ELSE hurt or killed because of uneeded emotions.
By the way, I am currently looking for a school to finish up my English degree where I am working for a degree in creative writing. I would like to publish a book, and this is a good start.... lol jk
Thank you for those of you that will read this with an open mind. I love my country and the military. Mixed platoons is just a bad idea. Seperation of the two would work the best... there is a reason why men and women are seperated in boot camp. Anyways, I have beat this horse into the ground, so other then defending my stance, I am done arguing my points in further detail.
Excellent post, I completely agree with every one of your points. With anything concerning the opposite sex, men can become reckless. Some men are resilient in the face of temptation, others fall quickly, and then there are the ones who have their head in the wrong place from the beginning, these are the most dangerous, because they can get you killed.
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