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SeoTaijiFan Blog

Epic 4 is Epic FAIL

So after hearing about the most beautiful armor a game has ever created I decided to pick up playing Rappelz again. Except supposedly to get this armor you have to have Epic 4? I have Epic 3. Now before I start complaining (as if you couldn't tell I was going to do that from the subject) I just want to praise how GREAT Epic 3 is.

Here it goes

Epic 3 lags very little, there's no on clogging up the servers with their stupid "shops" right where EVERYONE has to go to get missons and quests.. There's hardly any idiots that will kill a low player (there are some but not many) the fighting is quick and nice, smooth NO LAG.

So anyway despite this I asked my friend to join in on the fun she downloaded Epic 4 so I need to upgrade to play with her. Yeeah....

I updated and I regret it completely. The game bad infact that it crashes the game almost every time I try to play it and there's more than like 10 people on. I HATE THE SELLERS. Dude seriously why do there need to be like 5,000 people opening their shops RIGHT WHERE I HAVE TO GO! MAKING MY **** GAME LAG LIKE CRAZY AND EVENTUALLY CRASH? it's so damn annoying.

For a game who's company does matience every tuesday the stuff is still horrid. I wish I hadn't switched grrr...


So, I returned some games and got some new ones. It was buy two get one free or something. They didn't have ANY of the games I wanted x.x I want Astro Boy so bad. I don't care if its bad or not I just want it. I think I'm going to have to suck it up and order it off online. It's only 4 bucks but whatever.

So I bought some dumb-ish games xD I bought Shrek; Smash 'N' Crash racing, Woody Woodpecker; Escape from Buzz Buzzard Park and the free one was SpongeBob: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman.

So far the games are ok. Shrek is kinda funner than I thought it would be. Woody Woodpecker lacks but all in all it's a "good" game. I just started so maybe that's why things are slow. The Spongebob game WAS fun until I got really far and then the game kept restarting. I'm really highly annoyied I don't know if it's a scratch on the disk or something...I guess I'll have to return it to Gamestop bleeeh.

With Sean's gift card to me for xmas, I got MySims for the DS. It's cute and fun but a little slow and boring at the same time. I was expecting it to be like the WII game but it's not. Sure you help people but there's no building things to help, there's really only one objective; walk around, meet the new people every day, go into the same shops and eventually help the shop owners as well. As your star level goes up new parts of the town opens up and you get to do more to the casino or disco. You can go paragliding, racketball or fishing. You get money for each time you help or each time you talk to a new person. After awhile, like Harvest Moon, it gets real old real fast but you still play cause its addictive xD

That's all really for now.

Off Off and Away

I'm heading off to gamestop in about an hour. I don't know what I'm getting yet but I know FF12 is getting traded back and maybe Trauma Center. I hate trading my DS games because I have so little but I hardly play that retarded game and even CHRIS sold it back so that has to be saying something.

When Magenta was here the other day she had her PSP and I got to play Crisis Core. *____________* although it's hard for me to work because it was the first time I picked it up lol I was hooked. I really like it and WE really like making fun of Gackt and his clones xDD Sephiroth should just stab them all.

I was looking through this site where I buy most of my anime stuff from and realized I now have enough to buy one of the figures I'd been eyeing (Axel, Reno, Kadaj, Sephiroth XD) But found I couldn't choose between Axel or Reno and the more I looked at the Kadaj figure the more I didn't want him. So I guess I'll wait on that, maybe buy some more games instead lol

Well, I'm off.

Doctor something is exploding again...

I now offically hate Trama Center: Life In The E.R. I am up to this IMPOSSIBLE part where there's like a million things bursting inside this first, I would get angry I couldn't beat the board but now...when his vitals drop, I laugh...

I laugh cause I hate him.

I laugh because I never wanted to be a doctor...

I laugh because.....after trying to beat a board 10 times, that's all I CAN do.

Down By The Old Mill Road..

I have not slept yet :shock: I'll probably crash for a few and then attempt to beat "Orphan Feast" again, last night I couldn't do it but I got pretty far for someone that didn't know what the heck they were doing. I did beat "Candy Mountain Massacre" (these are games on Adult I can NOT beat "Kill Yourself In 5 Minutes" I always lose.

I fail at virtually killing myself...:(

Royal Rainbow Away!

I really really want to play Beautiful Katamari (that's the newest edition to the series lol) I saw screenshots of it and it looks awesome. I know, I know basically the same game, same characters (only not, because they added new cousins and that snowman one ALONE is enough to make me want to play it lol) same purpose, same king minus the crotch of doom (thank the heavens lol) But I simply love (or love to hate) the Katamari games. I've beaten the two I have over and over and I'm ready for a new rolling challenge.

Maybe one day I'll be rich enough to get an xbox and be cool like my brother and then I can play all the cool games.

Until then I have to suffer :cry:

Halloween Humor

15 Things We've Learned From Horror Films....
#5 is very true

1.When it appears that you have killed the monster, NEVER check to see if it's really dead. It isn't.

2.If you find that your house is built upon or near a cemetery, was once a church that was used for black masses, had previous inhabitants who went mad or committed suicide or died in some horrible fashion, or had inhabitants who performed satanic practices in your house move immediately.

3.Never read a book of demon summoning aloud, even as a joke.

4.Do not search the basement, especially if the power has just gone out.

5.If your children speak to you in Latin or any other language which they should not know, or if they speak to you using a voice other than their own, shoot them immediately. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run. NOTE: It will probably take several rounds to kill them, so be prepared.

6.When you have the benefit of a group of people, NEVER pair off and go it alone.

7.As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell.

8.If you're searching for something that caused a noise and find out that it's just the cat, leave the room immediately if you value your life.

9.If you find a town that looks deserted, it's probably for a reason. Take the hint and leave NOW!!

10.Don't fool with recombinant DNA technology unless you're sure you know what you are doing. Even then, don't do it.

11.If you're running from the monster, expect to trip or fall down at least twice, more if you are of a female. Even though you may be faster than the monster, you can be sure that it WILL catch you.

12.If your friends suddenly begin to exhibit uncharacteristic behavior such as hissing, fascination for blood, glowing eyes, increasing hairiness, and so on, get away from them as fast as possible.

13.Stay away from certain geographical locations, some of which are listed here: Amityville, Elm Street, Transylvania, Meskatonic University, Camp Crystal Lake, Haddonfield, Illinois, one gas station desert towns or any small town in Maine.

14.If your car runs out of gas at night, do not go to the nearby deserted-looking house to phone for help.

15.Beware of strangers bearing tools such as chainsaws, staple guns, hedge trimmers, electric carving knives, combines, lawnmowers, butane torches, soldering irons, or band saws. This is especially true if they are wearing a hockey mask or one made of human skin.

World and Me

I'm up to level 25 vavy! I still can't beat the friggin Angry Sand Demons though...beastards.

My mother is getting me so p**sed. I almost re-broke my hand by punching the wall cause she is such a f***king b**ch.

God how stupid and annoying can one person be!!!!!


Got my schoolgirl bunny character in trickster up to level 20 all using my left hand ha ha! Fought horned devils and beat them with ease! I learned drilling so now I can search for things in the ground while I heal or take it easy lol.

I had a dream my brother Sean gave me Bioshock but it was for the computer haha!