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Riku needs to die.

I've decided it's now bad for my health to play Kingdom Hearts. I'm up to Riku (aka Ansem) and I've been trying to beat him for two weeks now and I've just had it. I'm done and I'm over it. I'm sick of trying to beat him.


So stupid. I'm sick of getting pissed off and annoyied and aggravated and biting myself.

But on the bright side I finally beat Hercules. x.x what an accomplishment.

How the hell did I get Mushu as a summond thing? Mulan isn't even in the game! XD Oh well.

I'm A little Pathetic

I decided to play more Kingdom Hearts and suffice to say, I did it without biting myself.

Beat Maleficent (phase one) with little problems. Not very hard. Beat up her platform until she comes down and then beat her like a red-headed step child. Donald and Goofy handle the heartless so it isn't a big deal and if you cast Tinkerbell you don't even have to worry about silly Maleficent hitting you.

So you beat her, you're feeling pretty good cause you just beat one of the top bosses hm? wrong. You still have a few more to go kiddo.

Infact....much to my dismay you have to face silly Maleficent AGAIN but heh your bestfriend, the bad word I can't say here on Gamespot, appears to ruin stuff for you again. Maleficent turns into a dragon and you're left with that reoccuring "oh great" feeling.

I cast Tinkerbell and I'd like to thank her for TRYING to help me. After my HP got low enough where I NEED her, yeeah she jets like her sparklie panties are on fire. Leaving me going "wtf?" over and over and then eventually I die.

I died twice trying to figure out what was going on. I put on my wrist brace and decided I wasn't going to give up. I switched Goofy for Beast and I armed my team with high potions and myself with Mega-Ethers and Megalixirs and Ethers. I used Tinkerbell till she abandonded me and opted to to stay the HECK away from Maleficent the best I could. Once Tink was gone I ran over and jumped up on a ledge. I summonded Genie and started blasting her using "show time". When he was used up I started calling upon my magic, hitting her with fira and gravita or whatever the heck it's called lol Beast and Donald also did a good job hitting her from the ground. After 4 tries, I beat her.

I moved along to where I was suppose to go after saving and encountered Riku (god I'm starting to hate him) a little scene that made my eyes tear up (shut up, I AM a girl) and then Donald is blasted away from me (I noticed Goofy had fallen down earlier and wasn't near me when we were talking to Riku) Turns out Riku isn't Riku and I had already guessed he was Ansem (so dumb lol) but now I'm like "wait..Donald isn't here and neither is Goofy..." and then that feeling came back. I knew instantly this was going to be a one on one battle.

I was in NO mood.

The battle is long because he charges at you ALOT. So I just jumped and glided and didn't give a rats butt that he was trying to hit me. I used magic to hit him a good percent of the time and when I could get close enough, hit him with the keyblade (you can only like hit him a few times before he starts charging again) so most of the time you are just jumping to avoid him. Pretend you're Peter Pan lmao. Take.Your.Time! I can't stress that enough. Also, do NOT let your energy go passed that three bar thing. It's good to have ALOT of megaether and megalixir and anything that can boost your energy and magic high.

I was killed because the stupid unfair son of a b. attacked me in mid "cura" damn him. My wrist was hurting too much to try again so maybe tomorrow...

.... >>; maybe.

Where's The Rum?





I weep. You make me sad.

Well Thank My Bones and Gravestones

I finally beat Oogie Boogie and Oogie Bookie (uh same person just have to beat some boss' twice lol) Anyway, this time, much to my suprise Donald did a good job healing me and now I didn't need him cause I had tinkerbell to heal me every 6 seconds through out the battle (she DOESN'T let you die) only problem is the magic runs low and I only had a certain amount of ethers (even though I gave some to Donald I'm sure he'd rather use them on himself lol) It was a loooong drawn out thing because I decided to use the magic earlier on to shoot him from the platform when it goes up so I didn't have to care about where I was. (If you playied Kingdom Hearts and this stage you know to HIT Oogie Boogie with the keyblade you have to jump on the buttons below but make sure you are right where he is, jump on the button and the platform raises and you can jump up by him and hit him physically) So I could be raised up by which ever platform and shoot him with fire or gravity, whatever and hit him. Then when magic got low enough where I risked losing Tinkerbell and Boogie's health was down I opted to hit him with the keyblade. Which was fun because I've had problems when I didn't realize what I needed to do in order to get up there to physically hit him.

BAM! I win.

Then he turns into this big friggin tree and I'm left with "oh holy mother of god, I have no more Ethers and can't use Tinkerbell!" what's a person to do? Uhhh easy, run up Oogie in various ways. Don't rush this battle, the only real enemy here is the heartless that attack you. If you want to gain some magic back (but you don't need to, seriously unless you want to heal yourself) just beat up the heartless. Run around up and down Oogie and destroy the orbs and such and then you're done.


Also *stretches* I've given up trying to find all the puppies. I found 70 of them and the rest (well maybe like 6-10 or so) I can't find at all and some aren't listed on the walkthrough so whatever.

I really want to play number two but I know it will be aggravating, my brother already warned me.

Na Na nanananananaaaa

I beat Katamari Damacy 2 techinically twice. Once and then again to get all the cousins. Friggin Drooby being so damn big lmao. I love the board where you get to roll up all your cousins hahaha so fun. And I also love how nice everyone is all of a sudden :D

But anyway not in the mood to write a review so yeah.

Tried to play Bouncer again. I can't deal with that game :x

Eh..Shin Chan is on now so I'm going to watch it...

....ok after Pee Wee I'll watch it lmao.

Who Did It? MEEEE!

Whooo beat silent hill? *boogies around* I did, I did! haha. I got the shody ending where James and Laura leave damn them xD

But I'm ultra happy I got to kill Maria, yes yes.

Pyramid head...sooooo easy to beat. GOD. After playing this I feel bad that Pyramid head comes off so damn scary but um..he isn't..nor is he tough..such a cool outfit and theory, what a waste lmao.

Perhaps if BOTH Pyramid Heads had stuck to using the great knife set, well they could of caught me but that spear...bad choice hombre.

Huston We Have A Problem

I think I messed up :cry: I accidentally went into Hallow Basion in Kingdom Hearts before beating Halloween Town. I didn't realize that Riku was going to be a thief and steal my keyblade and leave me with Beast and a friggin wooden sword to fight with. Damn and you can't get on the gummi ship without Donald and Goofy. (Figures they'd ditch me in my hour of need, why should the end of the game be any different than the rest of the game? :x)

Anyway now I HAVE to beat Riku and pray they let me go back to Halloween Town (I read somewhere that you can go back) but um Riku is hard to beat. Do I get my almighty keyblade back when I beat his ass?

I wonder if I have to fight Maleficent before I get Donald and Goofy back :o

Ugh why do I have a feeling this is going to leave me feeling VERY angry and VERY annoyied lol.

The Bouncer

I decided to pop in The Bouncer this morning and I must say I do enjoy it. It's fun to see how far games have come since that one came out.

That said, I also like the fact that if you pick different people different things happen and different scenes play out differently. I personally enjoy playing Kou (and having said that lmao if Kou was a real life person without tattooed eyebrows I'd flirt with him lol) Volt is my second choice and the one I pick mainly when I know his power is needed. Sadly I almost NEVER pick Sion as someone to play because he is weak. (That and I really hate his voice) I like that indeed you CAN pick different people for different battles.

What I DON'T like about the Bouncer is that they start you off with like NO health which sucks because you kinda need it when you're faced with 4-5 enemies at a time.

I don't like that the storyline seems to move SO fast. I'm use to like Silent Hill and Kingdom Hearts and FF by now, games where you run around like a fool for hours on end before defeating a big boss and then it goes to a cut scene (or movie lol) and something is revealed about the storyline. This after every like battle you're into a movie lol.

I also don't like Sion's voice lmao and his clothes annoy me. That's trival but I have no desire to play him. Two hits and you're dead, no thanks.

Also I don't know if it was because the fan was on but I couldn't hear ANYTHING. Well Except for Mugetsu's crazy one liners (god that man creeps me out) but maybe that's cause I shouldn't be playing at 5-6am when my mom is sleeping so I have to keep it down a bit lol.

Besides all that why is it that none of the people can PUNCH? when My brothers were in karate it wasn't all kicking so why can master martial arts man, Kou NOT PUNCH! The only one that really punches, is Sion and I'll be damned if I waste my time playing him lmao. (Especially since I raised Kou and Volts power, defense and life so much lol) But that really doesn't matter considering how easy it is to fight lol.

That's really all that bothers me and it really doesn't bother me all that much. I find the game enjoyable and a breathe of freshair from the aggrvating games I am playing currently lmao.

Speaking of other games I'm playing I decided to ditch Halloween Town on KH and go for Atlantica (the little mermaid) must say, one of the more enjoyable boards. I found myself singing Under The Sea so many times I was starting to think I would TURN INTO a mermaid lmao. But the last time beating Ursula is proving to be a pain in the ass since my "crew" doesn't like healing me in time so I don't die lmao. And I must say that for a half fish Ariel kicked some bad guy ass, she did a decent job at healing me as well so it's all good in the ocean.

Random Thought: But the guy that does Kou's voice is the same guy that does Vincent's voice in Advent Children.

And speaking of Vincent! I can NOT wait to play Dirge of Cerberus as you all know that's the new "Final Fantasy" game starring Vincent and his story. It's a shooter game so I can't wait to get my hands on it (which won't be for awhile cause I'm not paying 50+ dollars for it lmao) I HATE that Gackt appears in the game. I want to shoot him lmao WHY GOD WHY? That would be like Hyde randomly appearing in a game. I don't understand, he has "his own" game lmao. Oh maybe cause no one wants to PLAY THAT ONE ANYMORE! Silly Gackt.

In NON-gaming news. I currently can't get over listening to the soundtrack for the nightmare before xmas IN JAPANESE! Awesomeness.

OMG! Nightmare Before Xmas!

If there ever was an occasion where I wanted to steal my brother Sean's "This game is getting me so heated" line it would be today. This morning I decided since I was awake I would try to check out the new stage I got in Kingdom Hearts. When the almighty "gummi ship" landed I was estatic. I am a HUGE nightmare before Xmas fan and when I knew there was a level (or stage if you will) having to do with that movie I nearly squeed.

That is, until I PLAYIED the level. Oh my god, is it this game's sole purpose to piss me off? To make me so mad I want so throw my controller through my mother's expensive big screen tv?

Another level where you're attacked on some rickity bridge type thing (you already know where I'm going with this..if you don't see my rant on camera angles and jumping) and they attack and you know when you attack Sora likes to jump to attack and whoops you're back down at the bottom. Well isn't that lovely? I've mastered the art of being a wuss and running away (I do the same thing in Silent Hill lmao) F-k that, I want to beat the game before I'm 100 years old and don't remember what Disney was. So whatever you get up there and you manage to fight Lock, Shock and Barrel (oh how nice, beating up little kids, that's great lol) and then you have to find some green door (btw here's a bit of trivia for you, there's a porn song called "Behind The Green Door" just thought I'd throw that out there for you all in case you're on Jeapordy or something and you're asked "name a 70s porn song that has to do with a green door" XD)

Anyway back to the green door. Of course the little brats aren't going to tell you where this door is, a NORMAL person would assume it was somewhere in the room since you have to pull a lever in the room right? WRONG! The makers of Kingdom Hearts aren't that nice. After searching around the room like a tard, you are left with NO other opition but to hit pause and frantically turn on your computer and look up the walkthrough. You scroll through boards you've already completed (and notice you did them out of order lmao) and also that you should of gone to neverland BEFORE this stupid level anyway keep scrolling you'll get there soon enough. Ah and we're there. Ok so you read and read and see you missed 20 chests and some of those stupid dalmations (Cute dogs but why must -I- save them? they have owners for that) you also note that you have to brave that bridge again to get to the green door.

Here's where the camera gets annoying again. You get to the cage, you get the chest and now you see out of the corner of your eye while running around the bridge, the glowing green door some levels below you. But how do you get down there? you attempt to scroll around with the camera to see if there is a ledge or something to jump on but heh your camera sucks, remember? your only opition is to jump and take a chance ah lucky us there's no poisionous water or snakes to eat us or whatever lol so you fight and you see a bathtub literally walking towards your first thought? JUMP IN.

Jump you say? JUMP? SORA KNOWS NOT WHAT THIS THING CALLED JUMPING IS! I had Sora follow the tub, trying to jump on it (and literally wanting to b-tch slap him cause he couldn't jump on it) THEN 40 years later it says "Get in" as an option. SO.ANGRY. The tub takes you to the door, you go in and tada Oogie Boogie.

// Random Thought

Here's something that annoyies me. Why is it when people from a level are with you to HELP you, they don't? Jack.SUCKS. He has um fire I think? (that's how much I paid attention to him I don't even know what he uses to fight) but he never manages to hit ANYTHING with it. That leaves the work to me and Donald, which really leaves the work to me and the healing to Donald.

Also, why is it when one of my party is dying I heal them RIGHT AWAY, WHEN I'M DYING THEY WAIT TILL I'VE GOT ONE HP TO HEAL ME! That's just plain rude. Don't they know if Sora dies the game is over? pff the nerve.

// End Random Thought

But anyway these fit into fighting Oogie cause I really have NO idea how to beat the idiot I wing it, like I do every boss. Except it's taking forever cause he's really one boss you have to fight the way the walkthrough tells you (which is too much work for me to remember) So most of the time is spent getting MY a-s beat till I'm blinking red and waiting for Donald to finally get the hint AND HEAL ME ALREADY. Second you have to jump to get up to Oogie heh, well we already know how that's going to go lol. Needless to say after 2 deaths and a look that could burn a hole through the tv I stopped playing.

But here's some other issues I have. Why does Halloween town seem so inferior to the rest of the Disney stops? it's the coolest f-ing place and the coolest f-ing movie wtf is up with that? Also, what's up with the storyline? "We need the heartless to have a heart so he can dance with us at the halloween festival!" are you kidding me? seriously? And why is that heart the size of a human's head? You'd think a heartless that suddenly has a heart big enough to pump blood to the entire pacific ocean and fill it would be a bit of a shock to the poor evil thing.

I found myself sadly wandering around the town with a yearning to see the professor zip by on his wheelchair screaming "SALLY? SALLY!!!!!!"

....that and to fly out of there as fast as possible before my love for Nightmare before Xmas was crushed.

......another thing.....anyone can tell me how to beat Leon? that son of a b-tch annoyies the crap out of me at the Pegasus tortament. Squall wannabe motha f-ker.

I'm so disgusted with this game I'd rather play the f-king Power Ranger game for sega genesis than this right about now.

But on the upside the costumes Sora, Donald and Goofy wear are cute and a change (finally) in the game lol

Kingdom Hearts Annoyiance

Ok so, I took some time out to play Kingdom Hearts (I can't stick to one game at a time, ask the unfinished FFX-2 that's sitting on my shelf lol) anyway I have several qualms with this game but I'll keep this short cause I don't feel good.

First: Why can Sora not jump? It wastes so much F-ing time just JUMPING on something than any fight you'd go into. I hate it, I think it's overly retarded and causes me to get SO angry. For Phil's "tests" in stupid Hercules board you have a certain amount of time to break all these barrels, the second test has a barrel up on a ledge..nice..SINCE SORA CAN'T JUMP! it takes him ALL the remaining time to jump on the barrel and up to the ledge, causing you to do the tests over and over and over again and causing people like me to bite themselves or punch walls in anger. Then you go into Monstro level and get "Super Jump" or whatever the hell it is, greeeeeat now he jumps MORE like a tard only...much higher. Though I will admitt, it helps when you go back to boards you couldn't jump in before and get the chests in there but after wasting hours on boards why would you possibly want to go back. (The only one I'd want to go back to is Hercules board cause you have to do the tortaments) So if you don't like wasting time jumping or you have an anger managment problem like oh let's say me and my brother, this isn't the game for you.

Second: Donald and Goofy f-ing sh-t up for you. They are ALWAYS messing stuff up. If you need to keep a barrel on a ledge Donald and Goofy will be sure to knock it off said ledge. Donald has like NO HP so make sure you friggin equipt him with lots of potions or better yet high potions so you don't have to waste time cureing him during a battle. Sure they prove useful in battling bosses but to be honest you really do all the work.

Third: Random FF character appearances. Even though I have yet to play any other FF game except FFX-2. I adore Final Fantasy. I use to play back in the days when I lived closer to my brother Chris but once there were too many to keep up with (and Chris stopped letting me play his games lmao) I stopped playing. I'm a big fan of the Advent Children movie. I thought for some reason this would be cute. Ok so random appearances aren't so bad but what sense do they make? why are they there? Fine the worlds were destroyied but what possesed Disney to put FF characters in it? OR was it FF that came up with the game and decided to put a majority of Disney characters in it? whatever and whoever made it, the apparence of the FF characters seems rather stupid lmao. Were they hoping more people would buy if they shoved Cloud in there? (let's not mention that cloud and squall look retarded and aren't much of fighters lol) Just seems really out of place.

Fourth: RUNNING AROUND OVER AND OVER (I don't think I need to say anything more on this lmao) I'm not a rat looking for a piece of cheese, I don't like mazes.

Fifth: Saddness. Watching Kingdom Hearts play out is a little like watching a drama, Sora wants to help Kairi (who i believe he loves a tad more than a friend xD) and wants to desperately save her and his friend Riku except Riku is working for the darkside and even though Riku is on evil's side, Sora still cares and worries about him (you can see this in Monstro's level after you beat it and Goofy and Donald are talking about if Gheppeto and Pinccohio are ok and Sora simply says "Riku..") atleast to me (someone that still has a heart lmao) it's sad to see. Everytime they have a flashback to Sora and Riku being friends I'm always like "well f-k, that's a downer" I hope we can save Riku from his own blackness before I have to lay the smack down on him XDDD

Sixith: OH GOD THE FRIGGIN CAMERA ANGLE! I hate the camera zoom and angle for this game, it drives me bonkers (and no not that cartoon cat thing that exsisted on Disney for awhile) I hate that in order to jump foward correctly you have to turn the camera and GOD FORBID you are against a wall, no camera turning for you. It's horrible and one of the MAIN things keeping me from enjoying the game. Who the hell wants to GUESS if there's a ledge you have to jump on? I WANT TO SEE IT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! ugh.

......forgot to mention to have extreme amounts of patience and hi or mega potions when you fight Cerbus and that stupid F-ing cave of wonders x.x you'll need them.

I'm not very far in the game so those are my only qualms really.

Next review-ish is Katamari Damacy NUMBA TWO VAVY! Look for it, and love it XD