If there ever was an occasion where I wanted to steal my brother Sean's "This game is getting me so heated" line it would be today. This morning I decided since I was awake I would try to check out the new stage I got in Kingdom Hearts. When the almighty "gummi ship" landed I was estatic. I am a HUGE nightmare before Xmas fan and when I knew there was a level (or stage if you will) having to do with that movie I nearly squeed.
That is, until I PLAYIED the level. Oh my god, is it this game's sole purpose to piss me off? To make me so mad I want so throw my controller through my mother's expensive big screen tv?
Another level where you're attacked on some rickity bridge type thing (you already know where I'm going with this..if you don't see my rant on camera angles and jumping) and they attack and you know when you attack Sora likes to jump to attack and whoops you're back down at the bottom. Well isn't that lovely? I've mastered the art of being a wuss and running away (I do the same thing in Silent Hill lmao) F-k that, I want to beat the game before I'm 100 years old and don't remember what Disney was. So whatever you get up there and you manage to fight Lock, Shock and Barrel (oh how nice, beating up little kids, that's great lol) and then you have to find some green door (btw here's a bit of trivia for you, there's a porn song called "Behind The Green Door" just thought I'd throw that out there for you all in case you're on Jeapordy or something and you're asked "name a 70s porn song that has to do with a green door" XD)
Anyway back to the green door. Of course the little brats aren't going to tell you where this door is, a NORMAL person would assume it was somewhere in the room since you have to pull a lever in the room right? WRONG! The makers of Kingdom Hearts aren't that nice. After searching around the room like a tard, you are left with NO other opition but to hit pause and frantically turn on your computer and look up the walkthrough. You scroll through boards you've already completed (and notice you did them out of order lmao) and also that you should of gone to neverland BEFORE this stupid level anyway keep scrolling you'll get there soon enough. Ah and we're there. Ok so you read and read and see you missed 20 chests and some of those stupid dalmations (Cute dogs but why must -I- save them? they have owners for that) you also note that you have to brave that bridge again to get to the green door.
Here's where the camera gets annoying again. You get to the cage, you get the chest and now you see out of the corner of your eye while running around the bridge, the glowing green door some levels below you. But how do you get down there? you attempt to scroll around with the camera to see if there is a ledge or something to jump on but heh your camera sucks, remember? your only opition is to jump and take a chance ah lucky us there's no poisionous water or snakes to eat us or whatever lol so you fight and you see a bathtub literally walking towards your first thought? JUMP IN.
Jump you say? JUMP? SORA KNOWS NOT WHAT THIS THING CALLED JUMPING IS! I had Sora follow the tub, trying to jump on it (and literally wanting to b-tch slap him cause he couldn't jump on it) THEN 40 years later it says "Get in" as an option. SO.ANGRY. The tub takes you to the door, you go in and tada Oogie Boogie.
// Random Thought
Here's something that annoyies me. Why is it when people from a level are with you to HELP you, they don't? Jack.SUCKS. He has um fire I think? (that's how much I paid attention to him I don't even know what he uses to fight) but he never manages to hit ANYTHING with it. That leaves the work to me and Donald, which really leaves the work to me and the healing to Donald.
Also, why is it when one of my party is dying I heal them RIGHT AWAY, WHEN I'M DYING THEY WAIT TILL I'VE GOT ONE HP TO HEAL ME! That's just plain rude. Don't they know if Sora dies the game is over? pff the nerve.
// End Random Thought
But anyway these fit into fighting Oogie cause I really have NO idea how to beat the idiot I wing it, like I do every boss. Except it's taking forever cause he's really one boss you have to fight the way the walkthrough tells you (which is too much work for me to remember) So most of the time is spent getting MY a-s beat till I'm blinking red and waiting for Donald to finally get the hint AND HEAL ME ALREADY. Second you have to jump to get up to Oogie heh, well we already know how that's going to go lol. Needless to say after 2 deaths and a look that could burn a hole through the tv I stopped playing.
But here's some other issues I have. Why does Halloween town seem so inferior to the rest of the Disney stops? it's the coolest f-ing place and the coolest f-ing movie wtf is up with that? Also, what's up with the storyline? "We need the heartless to have a heart so he can dance with us at the halloween festival!" are you kidding me? seriously? And why is that heart the size of a human's head? You'd think a heartless that suddenly has a heart big enough to pump blood to the entire pacific ocean and fill it would be a bit of a shock to the poor evil thing.
I found myself sadly wandering around the town with a yearning to see the professor zip by on his wheelchair screaming "SALLY? SALLY!!!!!!"
....that and to fly out of there as fast as possible before my love for Nightmare before Xmas was crushed.
......another thing.....anyone can tell me how to beat Leon? that son of a b-tch annoyies the crap out of me at the Pegasus tortament. Squall wannabe motha f-ker.
I'm so disgusted with this game I'd rather play the f-king Power Ranger game for sega genesis than this right about now.
But on the upside the costumes Sora, Donald and Goofy wear are cute and a change (finally) in the game lol
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