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SeoTaijiFan Blog

Long Time

I'm currently really into playing Silent Hill 2 (I've put Siren aside for awhile now.) In the two or so days that I've had it and actively playied it I'm now so close to the end I can review it atleast, here.

I'll be honest that I've read up on this game and the first one so accessively that maybe I ruined it for myself. I went into the game thinking at every turn I'd be scared to death but that's not how it was at all. Sure the music is scary, the basis of the game is creepy and there are parts that will make you jump in fright but all in all the game isn't that scary. I find it kind of annoying. I'm not really a role playing type of person but I took a chance. It's not HORRIBLE, the game play is what I guess you'd call fun but to be honest it drains you. All it is, is running around in circles for what seems like forever. If you manage to stay sane enough to get past the first part than you'll survive the whole game with no problem lol because once you get into it and you reach the laybrinth you are stuck wasting time by running around aimlessly. Once in awhile Pyramid Head comes along to mess stuff up for you lol but to be honest Phead hit me twice in close corners of the laybrinth with his mighty great sword and I escaped healed myself with TWO HEALTH DRINKS and I was fine. WHAT KIND OF BAD ASS MONSTER IS THAT? Oh Pyramid Head you make my heart weep.

I enjoy the story line and like I said, the game play isn't terrible or anything, it just wasn't AS scary and frigtening as I thought it would be which is a very big disappointment for me and also I don't have patience to run around a huge map to find out I need to run ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE BEGINING AND GO THE OTHER WAY. Hi, thanks that's what 2-3 hours of my life I'll never get back?

AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON MARIA! She's the scariest part of the game. You'll be running and she'll be laggin behind you, you go into a door and turn with your flashlight on and BAM there she is, out of nowhere. Holy Hell Maria, knock it the hell off I doubt you are suppose to be scarier than Phead. She's also highly annoying because I have to apparently watch out for her ass too while running around, protecting myself and trying to solve riddles and find keys and what not but then add that with having to have Maria's back, well then. Plus..anyone notice how James can run for awhile before he has to stop to breath and it seems that Maria can run a distance of um...3 inches before she's panting like she just came from a sexathon? Her shoes make it sound like Mister Ed is trotting behind me, I often want to stop and feed her a carrot, maybe she'll run faster.

Laura the little girl, I can deal with her although she's a brat she is important to the game plot I guess? (Not saying Miss Maria isn't) but once again I'm running around after her when in my head I'm thinking "LEAVE.HER.THERE AND GET IT OVER WITH!" He talks to her in the hotel and she seems a bit more friendly to him which I suppose is good (REALLY good if you're a pedophile who likes watching men chase little girls around lmao) but why can't I just ignore her and go into the room Mary is "waiting for me" in? ugh.

All I'm going to say about Eddie is that from the very minute I saw him I knew I'd have to take him down...and I did...rather effortlessly not too hard given his size and girth. lol.

So that's where I am in this game, that's where my head is in this game. I love the game, I love the story, I love Pyramid head but why all the damn running in circles? LITERAL CIRCLES!

I suppose some advice is, don't read up on the game too much that it ruins the fun of the game cause you know what's coming and don't see the movie before playing cause it will confuse you why a certain sword slinging monster is in a movie focused on the first game when said monster shows up in the second game.

.....oh yeah and play the first game, first.

My final thought would have to be, if you want to waste time running around in circles for hours and occasionally bump into things, why not try Katamari Damacy.


So. Finally saw Silent Hill. I must say all annoyiances aside it was a GREAT movie. (Of course that's my own opinion) Rose was annoying and I was hoping and praying Pyramid Head or one of the nurses would just slam her violently against the wall or something lmao. I know I sound a bit "Pyramid Head Obsessed" but he WAS the best part of the movie lmao. And he scared the crap out of me.

Also, as I was telling my brother, I finally watched Battle Royale 2. Eh is all I can really say about it. The plot was well...stupid and there really are some parts that make you wish the movie would end already. I was liking the updated uniforms lol  Overly gorey and bloody. Didn't really appeal to me.

I also saw Hosel. Nothing overly great about the movie plot but sick, twisted, suspencful and to be honest made me never want to leave the country lmao. It was a good movie, one I could stand to watch again if I wanted lol and If I wanted to scare other people into never traveling aboard :D

The game playing has taken a backseat. I can only play so much of Siren before I get bored. I started playing FFX-2 again..I wish my brothers hadn't taken Katamari back :?

Maybe I'll buy Silent Hill 2 and both Katamaris when I go to VA after my sister's wedding. That'll be fun. lol.

Tomorrow Silent Hill!

Tomorrow! Silent Hill comes out! Who's going to see it? I can't go cause I'm sick :( I hope to see it when I get better. I hope it isn't a big disappointment like sooo many other movies.

I finished watching Advent Children the other day. My god. Although some of the fight scenes were long and very drawn out and almost boring lol it was a really good movie. I was surprised I knew most of the characters lol. I love that Yazoo couldn't shoot Cloud and he was like RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM ...just ugh. But despite all that I thought it was a good movie and I don't usually like movies like that.

New To This Thing

Hey All, I'm really new to this thing :o I just got it so I can read and comment on my brother's reviews or entries whatever. Lol.

I'm really tired cause I got one hour of sleep total today/lastnight whatever. I'll write more on something worth writing about much later.