So in a recent trip to Gamestop with my brother Sean, Ana and Sean's friend Vinny. I didn't really have any ONE game in mind to buy because I'm pretty tapped out on games. I bought the game "Hamsterz" for DS and wandered around. I wound up picking up "Celebrity Deathmatch" for playstation and "Suzuki TT Motorbikes" for playstation also. Ana bought "Star Ocean". So we were pretty set on games for awhile. We came home where I started my Suzuki TT Motorbikes adventure. I must admitt, aggravation aside it's a fun game. What sucks is if you are in first and crash or mess up once you're done for. I recommend practicing whatever track a few times before actually racing. I keep the handling on Novice for now lol. Anyway I kept losing because I like crashing more than I like playing so I switched over to Celebrity Deathmatch which oddly enough is fun :D You have to play the episodes in order to unlock characters and extra rings. My favorite Celebrity to play is Busta Rhymes he has the best moves. It has a cool function where you get to create your own Celeb although the choices for moves lacks, it's still a good play. After awhile though there's nothing to beat. Especially if you didn't realize you could change the difficulty and beat everything at medium hardness lol. But now it's just cool to take your aggression out on celebrities.
I've also been playing Tekken alot :roll: I do pretty good but I wish to all that is holy that I had Tekken Bowl. I've tried every way imaginable to get it and nothing. Kids the word for today is Disappointment lol.
Hamsterz is a cute game. It's like a higher tech version of a giga pet of sorts lol. You "adopt" a Hamster, name him/her and then take care of it. Through out the game the Hamster must learn words and will begin "talking" to you. You aquire items for the Hamster's habitat like a roller coaster or a big slide and several different toys like a baseball for it to play with or a pipe for it to crawl around in by playing mini games like "item catcher" which is like a crane game for DS lol. You also aquire water and food for your hamster through these games. You venture outside with your hamster and get "presents" on some visits. These may hold food or water or a toy or maybe even a new cage or water bottle you can even get little outfits, hats, sunglasses etc for them. The only thing I DON'T get is why you can get several of the same toys. You can't take more than one toy out at a time and what does this virtual pet need with THREE baseballs? he can only use one at a time O.o If you get tired with your hamster you can always welcome a new one into the family fold. This does not erase the other hamster you just get to play with one at a time. You can also only make 4 hamsters or they start deleting them or something. With each hamster comes the tiedous task of teaching it words and cleaning up after it lol. It's a cute game some may get very tired of it very quickly so if you're into games like that, get it if not don't simple as that.
Another game I got was "Ping Pals" basically it's a "chat" program for DS. You can chat with people (granted they have the game and they are close by lol) You get to play mini-games which require you to answer questions or pretend to chat with a virtual person (if you aren't playing with anyone) or guess a number all in order to gain coins to get items for your little avatar. It's like Gaia online but not lol. So far I'm addicted to getting my little avatar a bunch of cool things but the games get very boring VERY fast. Another game I wouldn't really recommend unless you're into games like that *shrugs* I also found out each cartiage only carries a variety of 300 items so I may not get the items I'm yearning for :? Oh well.
Star Ocean is a hideous waste of time, that's my review for that game.
I got a pink controller for my playstation and I'm saving for the Wii *yips*
That's about it.
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