While I understand the appeal/value of LoL to some gamers, there are far too many people that have dogcrap personalities that play it. I realise the same can be said of quite a few online games but this one seems the least enforced on violations to say the least. Still popular is popular, have fun with it while it lasts.
Block used games are bad for gamers and their retailers. Gamestop, seeing as it built its business on reselling used games stands to lose the most from such a thing happening. Fortunately for me I've never been as heavily invested in game consoles as some gamers so it affects me less than some as I use a nice PC. Still I'll avoid purchasing next gen consoles altogether if any of them block used games and I encourage others to do the same.
I don't remember anyone wielding a video game when these killings occur. When was the last time you heard about a school being terrorized by someone using a game cd? I can't remember the last time a teacher had to talk a kid down from bashing someones head in with the box it came in either.
Again with this guy? If we're looking for things that hurt our children this is so far down the list its uncomparable. Anyone think of any other industries that profit off children or hell even adults for that matter that are 'hurtful & harmful'. Thinking this industry is going to go away is like saying alcohol & tobacoo will for the same reason. Hell I want to punish the house industry for hurting people, but obviously thats never truly gonna happen either.
Typical political rhetoric. No credibility but your little law isn't up and running is it? "This is all about their lust for violence and the industry's lust for money. This is a billion-dollar industry. This is about their self-interest." Since governments are in run in the trillions now the exact same could be said of the Senator if your willing to jump a chasm that wide. Your damn right its about self-interest, unfortunately you fail to mention your motivation as well on the other side of that coin. On that note please 'quiet down'
Chris Murphy you haven't even finished looking on the same side of that coin if your trying to pin it all on video games. It would have, at the very least, made more surface sense if you tied violent movies & tv to the Sandy shooter also.
Your approach to video games being the sole possible reason is flawed at best. Nevermind the tons of other more likely things that centered around the Sandy shooter, right? Might as well just start with the speech off 'This PSA brought to you by....'
Shadowsnake's comments