I think Kim Kardashian is inappropriate watching material for children for a time when they can see it. The lesson here? Neither one is likely to go away from TV (or anywhere for that matter) any time soon.
Even at '89%' its more likely that only a very SMALL percentage (hell lets say 11% of that shall we?) actually does anything about the 'exposure' to children and these are the hardcore parents that won't allow their children any type of console/tv entertainment unless its a math/language educational use only.
Sorry parents these game aren't turning children into serial killers, that would be the excessive bullying they get from the school system day after day (and not just from students in some cases). If thats not enough to convince you, think about how much you actually spend on providing your kid(s) the game they so desperately want most of the time? Its amazing what you will do for your children just to get them to leave you alone sometimes.
I've said it before that this would be a horrible idea, so go ahead sony and cripple your next gen console before its even out. Money spent on games will just decrease dramatically and Sony thinks they weren't getting enough $ before? How long did it take the PS3 to become actually profittable? Hope expectations for all but the most proven games will lowered accordingly.
Only way it would make any sense if they were planning on going all download instead of physical media. In which case you'll still be limited to how many times you can actually use the game since most included # of download limits. Hence you may have to rebuy the same copy again if they essentially 'Game-block' you after 4-5 downloads.
I understand Kojima wants to be known for something else besides the MGS series however the only way that would ever happen is if he managed out do himself in something that wasn't MGS. You've painted yourself into a corner Kojima and now you want to change the color. I say stick with what you know
Not surprising at all. Screwing people out of money has become an Executive America past time. A lot of people in places of power like that are only involved to squeeze as much as they can from you and then feign astonishment when caught
Given the ratio of wages for the people they employ VS the executives its just sad to see this not too mention GS policies on used merchandise. 250k? Whats that against the 2 million? This guys pay, no matter where he may work in the future, should be garnished until that 2 Mill is paid back in full because its VERY unlikely he will spend time behind bars and even if he does it'll be 2 years then be let out in 6 months. Pathetic.
While I can understand the hype on a new shiny product coming out (we gamers love to wait right outside when a new console comes out) this is clearly another "I'm getting one because everyone else is' trend. iphones are about as rare as a common cold so they aren't anything really special. Kind of like the new Wii U isn't really anything new EXCEPT the friggin controlers. A few new features don't necessarily make a product good its got a big enough fanbase where it might actually be viable for a bit.
Also I can only imagine this article is HERE because of gamer apps that can go on damned thing, other than that I wondering why this is news here on GAMESPOT.
so basically they (EA) have to STOP doing this for 5 years then they can go right back to doing it? What kind of idiot made THAT deal? I'm sure EA legal negotiators must be patting themselves on the back right about now. It would have been better if EA had been told at least 1/3 of their 'exclusive titles' had to be shared through other companies to promote fairer competition. I'm sure EA wouldn't see it that way seeing as they just wouldn't be able to go back to the exact same practices 5 years later. I smell payoff.
While it doens't personally rattle me for the delay (I'm waiting patiently for Darksiders 2 also) I know a few people that'll be upset by this. As long as they are actually polishing it up its a good thing for us.
Shadowsnake's comments