Is there any advice you'd give on how to play as Ryu and Ken? Because I'm still getting used to the game, and playing it on the 360 controller(though performing Ultra Combos are still a pain), but I want to learn more before I go online.
I'm not an expert on either character, but I have some general advice that should help.For one, remember that Ryu is inherently better than Ken in this game as far as frame advantage, damage, and I believe stun/life meters. He's also got better recovery on his fireballs, and can get good damage off 2-3 hits where Ken often needs 4-5.
If you're going to go the Ken route, remember that he demands quite a bit more practice and precision than Ryu when it comes to pulling out big chunks of life from your opponent. In other words, you'll have to work harder to punish mistakes, and missed opportunities to punish hard hurt Ken more than they do Ryu. His Shoryuken is ridiculously fast in this game, but it'll only save your skin for so long.
Ryu's Ultra is also arguably easier to land than Ken's since it can be used after any successful LP Shoryuken without the need to Focus Attack Dash Cancel. All-in-all, Ryu has a lot of built-in advantages over Ken that shouldn't be ignored. Ken is still a very good character in the right hands though.
Hope that helps get you started at least.
I've played around both characters, and it seems like Ryu is harder to learn than Ken for reasons I'm not sure of. Can you explain this?Oh, and if you can land it, Ken's Ultra is awesome. Better than a juiced-up Hadoken.
Mmm... honestly, no, I can't explain it. It could just boil down to your personal preference, and if that's the case, I say just go with it. I also agree that Ken's Ultra looks cooler than Ryu's, but that "if" you stated is a BIG if. Ryu's on the other hand, is more a question of "when" you land it.If you're going to take Ken up as a main, my advice would have to be to remember that you have to be a beast when it comes to punishing your opponents' mistakes. You pretty much have to capitalize on every opportunity. There are loads of high-level Ken play videos on YouTube that you should look up and watch. See what kinds of tricks work (like cross-up EX air Hurricane Kick xx Ultra) and what tactics to avoid (Shoryuken at every turn).
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