[QUOTE="xTHExJUICEx"][QUOTE="Pimpshigity21"][QUOTE="SageJMP"] [QUOTE="Danthegamingman"]Even if Uncharted gets AAA it will have been over a year without an exclusive AAA game. Thats the worst ever for a console, that I can remember.Pimpshigity21
Oh no, a year without an exclusive AAA at gamespot, I'm soooo scared becausethe only games worth playing are AAAscored games atgamespot. /sarcasm
Again, a normal shopper doesn't care about scores, they go with what looks fun for them. And even if they look at scores, a normal shopper considers a 8.0+ a great score. Even gamespot reviews call 8.0+ great, in fact that only people who say games with those scores suck are the fanboys on gaming forums. Simple as that.
Dude, get real.
The PS3 has had a year with one AAA non-exclusive (Oblivion...available on the PC, the 360 and my cell phone) and a kiddie platformer barely hanging on for dear life to a quasi-AAA rating. You should be soooo scared because if this trend persists, consumers will continue to chose the Wii or the 360 (or both) this holiday season.
A shopper does not care about scores? Are you kidding? In this country of Consumer Reports and internet reviews, a shopper does not make a move without checking a product's rating before heading to the store. Do you think that potential console buyers don't have subscriptions to the numerous gaming magazines and/or internet gaming sites? People don't live in a vacuum. And there is word of mouth; kids telling kids how amazing Halo is...or last-gen console owners having a blast playing the Wii at a friend's house.
Little Jimmy is going to buy the console his friends are playing. Little Jimmy goes to the store and sees a wall of 360 games and Halo advertising all over the place. Little Jimmy reads articles on the intenet about the horrible PS3 version of Madden (and in Europe, little Tommy finds out that Pro Evo is better on the 360). Finally, Little Jimmy's parents, who are both working like dogs to make ends meet, are not going to buy him a toy costing as much as the high-end home theater components in their household.
I know it sucks to be a Cow right about now, but you guys should really try to deal with reality.
Mario Party reviews = Garbage
Mario Party Sales = Fantasic
What do you have to say to that?
Halo 3 reviews = Fantastic
Halo 3 Sales = Fantasic
Lair reviews = Garbage
Lair Sales = Garbage
Mario Party's review scores and the sales numbers are not proof that shoppers don't care about scores.
But one thing we can all agree on is...shoppers do care about prices. The PS3 is still the most expensive console in the market.
Happy shopping!!!
I've never said this about another poster but I hate you.
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