Especailly now that the PS3 is getting Little Big Planet or whatever its called
What does that have to do with anything?
It's being hyped to high hell. I've heard some people say it might be GOTY and a AAA title. Yet it's the kiddiest looking game out there, and people still bash the Wii and Nintendo as a whole for being kiddy.
Its called variety. And LBP is being hyped because its innovative. If its all user managed you make the game look how ever you want.
I've loved all the CoD games except for 3 because it wasn't on PC and therefore not worth purchasing. I still play CoD:UO now. I hope that 4 can revitalize the series. Whether it will be better and will be accepted as being superior will have to be determined. THe one eyed lemmings who only own a 360 will probably never give up the fact that Halo is the end all.
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