Sir_BIGnuts' forum posts
GS gave the first R+C 9.0 so ya....Insomnia has never made an amazing game. I think R&C will get a 9.0 here. Mario Galaxy will get at least a 9.0, but also has a great chance at 9.5.
PSM3 magazine gave "Up Your Arsenal" a 92/100. Gamespot gave it an 87/100.
PSM3 magazine gave "Tools of Destruction" a 93/100. Gamespot will give it a 88-92/100?
I didnt get to finish the demo, because It didnt feel right playing such a beautiful game on an SD TV, so these are only first impressions.
First Off, Ive never playeda Ratchet & Clank game before, EVER, and wanted to see what all the hype was about, so while listening to the Leafs game, I started the download. When I tried it, I was amazed, the graphics really do look like they came out of pixar studios, IMO. The game is simple yet fun, and I havent gotten past the fact that I can turn enemy minions into penguins or make them dance at will. Beautiful looking and fun yet easy to pick up and play, I think this game might make me a Ratchet & Clank fan. It all depends on the rest of the demo I will play tomorrow on my brothers monitor, so I can truly appreciate the graphics in 720p. It wont be max, but definitely looks a lot nicer than in SD. I think I might have to pick up this game and paly it on my sisters psp...
You should definatly try Size Matters on PSP and if you can try the 1st installment on PS2, that is the most true to form R&C.
[QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"][QUOTE="bigsmackyo4"][QUOTE="whodeysay85"][QUOTE="bigsmackyo4"][QUOTE="fuzzysquash"]The character models and animations are stunning.
lol, quake 4 character models look better
wow. your ignorance is it's fact you can see actual pores in the skin of people on quake 4, faces arent nearly as detailed as quake 4 .
Ya know i might go out on a limb here and say...
its not part of the games look to have such skin shaders?
i mean, its not like their engine couldnt handle pores
DUDE, dont make me bust out my quake 4 ultra textures screenshots close ups of the peoples faces they might not be as high polygon but the texture work is much higher resolution.
Says the level 1.
[QUOTE="Sir_BIGnuts"]I enjoy variety in my games, so I'm not gonna buy a system whose only great games are shooters and PC ports. I enjoy my high end PC, PS3 and Wii and that's all I need.-Ninja_Dog-
Dude open your eyes man.
Your missing out dude.
Dead Rising, awesome game.
Viva Pinata, sure its colorful but its crazy.
Ninja Gaiden 2, bloody fun.
And if alot games are PC ports. How is that a bad thing. Isn't PC gaming the uberness?
Dead Rising is not enough for me to buy a 360, I don't care about Viva Pinata, and Ninja Gainden 2 isn't out yet, or anytime soon. And if great games are PC ports, then I'm gonna play the games on my PC--->Bioshock, CoD4, War in Conflict, The Orange Box
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