I don't think they will ever "oxidize"
Data degradation usually depends more on the equipment the disc is written on but the quality of media is obviously a major factor. Since games are manufactured all over the place it's difficult to say what discs are quality and what ones are not.
Taken from this article.
Keep in mind they are talking about home made CD-R and DVD-R discs.
Following the test procedures of the International Standards Organization (ISO) quality media manufacturers have been able to document data life-spans ranging from 50-200 years. But keep in mind there are wide differences between low budget media operations and quality media firms. In addition variations in manufacturing methods, materials and processes/procedures can dramatically effect the data life of the media you use.
Or as auto manufacturers say, "your mileage may vary."
I think you will be safe if you take good care of them but I don't think anyone can give you an answer that is more than speculation.
I think we should make the world a better place for our children, but not out children's children because out children should not be having sex.
-Jack N. Handy
then for than, broken links, I should not post this late
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