I realize now that they were within their rights if they saw it in the car, but what about the fact that they were capped? I thought transportation of alcohol was legal above the age of 18.
what state are you in? all of them have different laws. But regardless its probably possesion by a minor. Just say it was your dad's booze or your dad's car... probably end up getting a plea for a $20 moving violation... basically less than a speeding ticket.
I live in NY, and yeah that's the plan. I would be happy with that; basically I'd be grateful for anything that won't go on my record. (I can deal with anything that's monetary related.)
your not the first person under 21 that got caught with some booze, believe it or not.... i dont know alot about NY law.. but even if they go for the full monty and dont plea you down they will probably just say something along the lines of "dont do it again and we will nolle it"
unless you freak out and punch someone at the court i think its safe to say there will be no record of it ever happening.
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