99% of smokers are more respectful than people could imagine, its the non smokers that are indignant and intolerant d-bags.
Smokers try to keep to themselves, similiar to someone listening to their ipod with earbuds, but these narcissistic self-righteous a-holes always comes up and say crap like "you know thats bad for your health" or pretend to cough... and you just want to crush their skull.... so badly. But unlike them us smokers are actually decent people so we freaking apologize and try to move away from these d-bags.
Do people really do that? Like you can emediatly quit smoking. I Dont smoke but I have some family members who use tobaco products and they know they are bad. Many of them have tryed to stop but have failed, But they defenantly try to limit expsosure to people by smoking out side or away from people ETC...
Of course they really do that. And even when vaporizers for tobacco come out like e-cigarettes the natural reaction of anti tobacco lobbyists and anti smoking bigots in general is "we have to make this illegal"
A device that makes quitting smoking easier needs to be made illegal... because it resembles smoking. Anti smokers are the dumbest, most intolerant people on the planet... and they are rude as hell. If im trying to have a smoke away from people, they will walk up to me and make asanine comments from their moral highground when i just want to be left alone.
Im telling you its maddening.
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