Im still trying to decide whether i should get it for 360 with no online.Nobody I know is any good at any game genre besides sports.killab2oo5Do what you feel like. VFhas an excellent single player mode, but if that still doesn't have you convinced, just don't purchase it. Just as long as you don't start ranting on how lazy Sega is :P
SockPuppetHyren's forum posts
[QUOTE="LosDaddie"][QUOTE="osusfaith"]I'll just say this. SEGA is lazy, plain and simple. They could take the existing VF5 code and implement online without touching the battle system. Would certain moves and strategies be very difficult to perform with online latency? Yes Would the experience be the same as offline? No Would the hardcore VF players still use offline competition as the defining factor of skill? Yes But the thing is it doesn't hurt ANYONE for them to throw it in there. It won't be the exact same experience, but it'd really help build a community for the game in NA and EU. osusfaith
Great post!
I'd like to see sockpuppets response to this Replay'd :P And really, I already stated this before, but no one here likes reading my posts, they just want to say "WE HATE SEGA!" and go on.Hear is a thought. Change the frames of each move online. If a jab takes 4 frames to do off-line, make it 8 online.shungokustasuCore Gameplay Change. You might as well create a new game.
And you have no proof that it won’t. Sega has said that lag would affect gameplay, you choose not to believe it and cling to “IT’S THE EXCUUSE!” line of logic. That’s your problem.Again, you have no proof that the gameplay will be dumbed down.
Most all of the fighters you listed were 2D, which are completely different to 3d styled fighters like VF and Tekken. And being that VF has a MUCH smaller input for moves than most all fighting games do, it would cause some moves to be completey impossible or too easy to pull off. This is from Sega’s mouth. If you want more, e-mail them.I've played fighting games over Xbox Live and guess what? I get one guy out of eight that lags while the rest are perfectly fine with very few hiccups. I don't see the games being any less skillful at all. This is after playing games like Guilty Gear and Capcom vs SNK 2. Talking to people and actually trying it out is two different things, buddy.
If this is so obvious, why hasn’t Sega already though if it? could it be that current internet connection are simply not fast enough to handle an Arcade perfect VF? Isn’t that a possibility?Also, it's very easy to fix the lag issue if you do what the majority of online games do: Divide up the online play by regions. US people play with US people while Japanese play with Japanese. This has been implimented in just about every online game and let me tell you, it does wonders to avoid lag. You can have the option there to go worldwide, of course, but you will do it knowing that the lag factor might cut in. Remember, the closer your opponent, the less latency being a factor to a fight.
They sell it to the US for extra cash, we’re lucky to even get it. Again, I point to the sales of both VF4 games. You want me to believe that Sega was actually gunning for the casual market with those?Oh, and as much as you say the game was made just for hardcore VF fans, it's not. Any company that makes a game hopes that it's a million seller, not a 10k seller. By using that logic, VF5 shouldn't be released here in the States at all if you keep saying that Japan is their focus.
[QUOTE="SockPuppetHyren"]But Lag is NOT part of VF. and many fans do NOT want lag.Felous1First, if they don't to lag then they shouldn't play online. Second, you don't need to change the game offline because of online. Do you not read? I've said multiple upon multiple times before, The CORE gameplay would be changed, meaning BOTH online and offline gameplay would be dumbed down. Even if you didn't want to play online, you would still get the online version's issues...
[QUOTE="SockPuppetHyren"]All different circumstanse. Agian, actual VF players do NOT want thier game lagged up, especially when you're playing seriously.Felous1It's not different. Do you think that only fighting games would screw you up because of lag ? Get real. And if you wanna play seriously perfectly without any lag then don't play online. Lag is part of online gaming. But Lag is NOT part of VF. and many fans do NOT want lag. If you don't take my word for it, go to actual VF communities and ask about it. When people plau VF, they want to play VF, not a watered down online version.
[QUOTE="SockPuppetHyren"][QUOTE="Redmoonxl2"][QUOTE="SockPuppetHyren"][QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]I thought this would be THE GAME to stimulate sales again.Zero-G_basicIt was never to be, as VF gnerally isn't popular in the west. Most of the people who are going nuts over online ONLY want online, not VF.
That's not a fair statement to make at all. The people who were interested in VF want to play VF. The thing is, as a multiplayer game, why would you buy a game that will never get use if you have no one to play against? Sure, you can use the "Get friends together then" argument but the fact is that not everybody is blessed with friends with tons of time in their hands. I for one have friends who are business people, people who work in the medical field, artists and so on who must spend tons of time at their work place. I can't simply call them and tell them to play video games with me. Hell, I don't have the time to play video games at times.
So looking at VF and being in the situation I'm in, what could it possibly bring that will hold my interest long enough? The answer is online, of course, since it allows the players to play at a time most convenient to them. Also, it allows the player to meet other players who have similar interest and will allow in growth in skill.
Now lets ignore the fact that I have a difficult time gathering people. You've been stating throughout the thread that online will compromise VF's gameplay. The fact is that online is simply an option that be avoided. Answer me this honest question: How will online affect you if you're not planning on using it to begin with?
From some of the arguments you put forth, you might as well not play fighting games at all :S. I can understand your situation, though. It DOES suck when you can't find anyone to play a game like VF with. Sega did take that into account when they created the quest mode in VF4, which I found an extremely enjoyable alternatve. But even with that, I'd honestly like to have online also. But I understand that it could possibly mess up the gameplay. Also, the "Well you don't have to pay online if you don't have too!" line doesn't really fly either. For VF to go online now, they would have to dumb down the core game engine, which affects both online and offline play. It's not something that can be avoided. Also, VF's target audience is actually Japan, who are TRUELY hardcore about VF. If Sega were to place in online at the cost of it's gameplay, the Japanese fans would, more than likely, shun the game as a travesty to the series. This, in turn, means no US release. They can make two versions. An offline version for JP and a online version for the US and EU. And how much sense would that make? You might as well make a whole new gamefor the US and EU and not port VF at all.
[QUOTE="SockPuppetHyren"][QUOTE="Felous1"][QUOTE="AcidTWister"]Virtua Fighter wouldn't handle well online. It's got moves that require you to react within 1/60th of a second. If you get even the slightest lag, it will completely screw up a combo.Redmoonxl2
And if you get the slightest lag in any FPS you wouldn't be screwed, right ? :roll:
FPS != Fighting Game FPS' have features that assume where a player is moving in case of lag. This wouldn't work in a Fighting game.
How about Racing games, RTS, MMOs, Fighting Games, Puzzle Games, Sports games and so on? They don't have that same mechanic at all. Hell, RTS games along I find to be more dependent on a lag free environment because lagging even half a second behind would just destroy what chance you have in terms of building and economy. Don't get me started on micromanaging a battle with multiple troops and successfully controlling the battle. Top end RTS players have to successfully pull off 300 to 400 actions a minute across a keyboard. Still didn't stop the genre from taking the online leap.
I just don't get this insane fear of online from certain people.
All different circumstanse. Agian, actual VF players do NOT want thier game lagged up, especially when you're playing seriously. Why do you think peopl who play Smash seriously turn off all the items and normally play on Final destination? When two people play fighting games seriously, they don't want to have to worry about outsude interferences like lags and such. That would mess up the game for them. I said this in my last post. That, added to the fac that the gameplay would be dumbed down, would destroy the game for hardcore VF players, which, as much as you hate to admit it, are he target audience.
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