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Random thoughts. Part One

I was recently in the forums just looking around at all the posts when I came across one about certain game stores selling used games for new, so I had to put my two cents into this one. As I read all the post about the subject I was surprised to see some of the people basically saying, "who cares if the game has no plastic on it, as long as the game plays fine then it shouldn't matter if the game is being sold as new". I am sorry but if I pay 50 bucks for a game it better be wrapped in plastic, I want to be the first person to put that game in a console. I don't like how Gamestop lets their employees take home games to play at home and then takes those same games that are considered "game displays" which will be sold as new as soon as the have no more sealed copies left. Now I am not trying to blame anyone for this matter but like I stated and like how a lot of people stated in the forum, why is giving a discount for opened games such a hard concept to consider? I really don't buy new games all that much anyway so when I do buy a new game then I have a few expectations I want met when purchasing a game. Like for one I want to be the one to remove the plastic and the side stickers and then to actually open the game case for the first time so that I may smell the new game smell, that is why I am buying the game new. If I wanted to buy a game that had already been opened I would buy a used game. Another thing that I thought was interesting was a person who posted something about most game stores logic when it came to used and new game terms, like if the game comes from the manufacture but had to be opened is still considered new everything else is considered used. So I will take this logic and make up a situation that could or probably already has screwed someone out of some money, let me explain.
Little Johnny's mom has no idea what to get Johnny for his birthday, so she walks into the local game store because she knows how much he loves playing video games and decides to get him one. With no idea on what to get him she picks up one of the new releases but since the store doesn't have any sealed copies of the game she will have to settle for a "new" copy that has been opened only because it was store display but will still have to pay full price, after all as long as it plays fine it shouldn't matter right? Well little Johnny's birthday is here at last and goes to open the present his mother got him, well to Johnny's surprise his mother bought him a game he already owned. So the next day they go to return the brand new game that was only opened for store display and I can only imagine what kind of conversation would go on between the store clerk and the parent.

That situation would probably met with "we can replace the game with another one just like it" or "you can sell it to use for half of what you paid original".

Slowly but surely.

Well so far my goal is growing complete. In case no one knows what my goal has been, I have been trying to collect every console and every handheld that was ever mass produced. So far I am doing pretty good but no where near my 100% goal.

I played Katamari Demacy yesterday and I may be the only one but the king in the game creeps me out when he stand before you. I think it has something to do with his really tight pants but I haven't read in of the dialogue in the game because I am trying to hurry out of that scene. I also played Eye Toy Kinetic and I must say that it really gets you into the game, I played for a little over 30 minutes and I was sweating and my heart rate was through the roof but the game is amazing fun to play. I also have been playing Kingdom Hearts again, that way when Kingdom Hearts 2 comes out I will still have the controls down pact, hopefully the publishers don't change the out lay of the game control on me. I also played kingdom hearts CoM again, only because I couldn't remember half of what the story is about. I can't wait until KH 2 comes out.

You're one of them, aren't you?

It feels like so long ago since I posted in this thing that I forgot how to do it, I will just blame it on the new lay out of the web site. Well I hope who ever is reading this, if anyone, had a good Christmas. Mine wasn't too bad, I got a few games and ate until I couldn't eat anymore, so all in all it was a good day. I still have xbox live and so far I only use it for downloads, I mean I tried to do some online gaming but the servers lagged way too much and so I just gave up. I wonder when all the updating will stop on gamespot, I mean I look once and I have five emblems then I look again and I have two.
Well I just beat super mario brothers 2 for the first time today. I wasn't into it when it first came out but I felt like playing something from the past and so I did. Well I guess that about wraps up this entry.

Old School coming back.

Well I am now the new proud owner of a Odyssey 2, Intellivision 2, and a Atari 2600. I haven't had a chance to hook them up yet but as soon as I get the necessary equipment from my local radioshack then there should be hours of old school gaming going on in my house.

In other news I am designing a web page that when I am done I will post a link on here so that anyone who is willing can come to and see what and how I did on my first web page, hopefully I don't mess up to much. I am not going to say what the web page will offer but hopefully when I am done everyone will leave a little more knowing than before.

Time can tell.

Well let me first say that being sick sucks. But I guess you have to get sick every so often.

I know my opinion doesn't really matter to most people but I still want to state it anyway. I have had a good amount of time to play around with the 360 and would like to give it a score. First off I would like to thank microsoft for doing what I have wanted a console to do for a long time, playing game demos and watching trailers for free. I don't know about other gamers but I like to play a small demo of a game before shelling out 60 bucks to purchase the full version. Now I grant you there aren't that many but having just one right now makes me happy. So far I have downloaded Kameo, NFS Most wanted and Madden. And so far I am thinking of getting Kameo, and will never buy NFS only because I am not a huge fan of the series but wanted to give it a chance anyway. Now I know watching a trailer of a game doesn't mean much if you can't play it but it is still a nice touch. I also love the fact that you can connect the 360 to a XP computer in the house and even though I haven't had a chance to do this function I look forward to it in the future. Another nice touch microsoft did was add music videos and movie trailers to the mix. So with all this new innovation, microsoft has truly delivered a customizable experience for both the hardcore and casual gamer and with all the themes that you can download you can truly make your game console made just for you. I give the 360 an 89 out of 100%, if you have broadband internet. Now if you don't have broadband then the 360 gets an 80. An 80 you might ask, well the only way you can do most if not all of what I said you have to have broadband internet, because if you don't then all you can really do is what the old Xbox did. So basically if you have broadband then I would strongle recommend getting the 360 but if you don't then there really isn't much incentive right now besides launch games to really consider purchasing.


Yesterday was a very interesting day. Every store I went to people were lined up before the stores opened in hopes of buying an Xbox 360. What people didn't know was that my town was sold out of 360 since midnight that night. Well later on I went into my local game store to pick up mine when I looked into the store and found about 20 people all standing in line, I really didn't know what to think besides maybe these were the people that didn't go to the midnight madness sale. Well as I walked in I kept hearing the same thing, "listen everyone, we do not have anymore 360s to sell, all the ones we have in the back are already purchased. We don't know when we are getting them in but as soon as we do we will let you know." People aren't really fond of hearing what they don't want to hear. Well I picked up a game and started heading toward the line, and these people were relentless. I heard a guy go, "well just let me get the core system instead, I just want to play some 360 games." Well the store clerk just kind of rolled her eyes and said, "We don't have any 360s at all, we don't have the premium and we don't have the core." Some people just need to open their ears and listen for once.

Well I hooked up my system yesterday and was pretty pleased with what I found. Even though someone already created my gamertag I will have to think about what I would like to call myself. Right now I am playing Call of Duty 2 and soon will put in Halo or Halo 2 in just to see how they look. I don't know what it is but after I hooked up the system I now have the urge to play every game that is out for the system right now, well except madden.

So mad, yet so happy.

I can't stand it when you are told that you are first in line to get something but yet they can't seem to promise that you will get one or not. I mean I reserved the 360 back in May or June and they have the nerve to say, "I am not 100% sure we can keep one for you if you don't show up at midnight". Any other time I wouldn't care but I have to work that night and I get a 15 minute break at Midnight but I don't know how crazy it is going to be so I don't want to get written up because I was late off break. Well to say the least I wasn't to happy and I said a few words I probably shouldn't have. I guess I just lost it for a few seconds and couldn't hold in all my words. The guy just said, "well you can talk with the manager when he gets in". About an hour went by and I finally called back to speak to the manager. The manager at the store is pretty cool, he isn't biased toward any game and is a good person to ask about certain games (because he has played pretty much every game you could think of). So finally after talking with him for about 10 minutes I finally found out that I am guaranteed a 360 on the 22nd for 24 hours, so now I am happy.

The excitement grows

Not that much longer until another console shares itself with the world. To be honest I wasn't all that excited with it coming out, I mean I was going to get it anyway only because I can't stand not being able to get a game because I don't have the system, but now that I have played a few games on it I can gladly say that I can't wait for it to come out. My only dislike about it right now is the fact that my television may not look as good as a HD would but if my games do look terrible with my TV then I will just have to save up for an HD I guess, hopefully the technology gets better and cheaper by the time I have all the money saved up.

I just got done with Doom 3 and what a game that was. To be honest I wasn't that impressed with the graphics but I was impressed with the game play. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time I was playing it and it has been a long time since a game has done that to me. I was a little disappointed with the last boss battle, I thought it was much too easy. Now I am playing Brothers in Arm and it wasn't what I was expecting but it is still a good game, I was really hoping that I would get to know all my team mates and learn more about WW2. To me Brothers in arms just feels like just another WW2 first person shooter, maybe when I play the rest of Call of Duty 2 it will be different.

Nothing new, just me.

Wow!!! It cetainly has been a while since I have been on gamespot. Everything has changed and now I will have to get used to the site all over again.

Nothing really new with me, well except my noval is coming along nicely. I already have two chapters finished and the rest of the book is in my head ready to be typed out.

I can't wait until the 31st. That is when I will get to see Coheed and Cambria in concert, even though they aren't all that great live it still is an oppurtunity that I will not miss.

Not dead after all.

Well hello all! Like anyone reads my journal entries anyway. If you could have guessed I have been away from gamspot for a while and even though I haven't completely given up on the game site I have spent a lot less time online looking at forums and looking at reviews. I have been playing games, working out, working a full time job, trying to get ready to go back to school, beta testing, and writing a novel. Yes a novel, kind of hard to believe. I have gotten pretty far for only working on it for a little over a two week span. I would tell everyone what it is about but I am sure it isn't all that interesting. That really is about all I have been doing over the past few weeks. Well thought I would write in this thing just to let everyone know that I am not dead.