Stabby2486's forum posts
Been playing Melee since it's launch and after attending my first Melee tournament I plan on playing it even more.
Vietnam War was a complete embarassment for the US,, theres a reason a game hasnt been made.poster
We lost. So what? There's plenty it has to offer. Especially for covert operations, you got operations in North Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia as SOG and Pheonix Program operatives, and playing as Navy SEALs, LRRPs, and Marine Recon. They were plenty of conventional battles as well. And for enviroments you got triple canopy jungle, highlands, lowlands, and urban areas. And for nationalities you have the South Vietnamese version of the Navy SEALs the LDDNs, South Vietnamese paratroopers, South Korean Marines, South Vietnamese groups that sided with the US, Cambodian mercenaries, and the SAS fought in Vietnam as well.
I dont think those moves are hard to land. For instance, some people tend to think that some meteor smashes are hard to land, but they are easy for me. Its all about timing and being unpredictable. If you use it everytime, yeah u'r screwed, but if you are hard to read, you can land it most of the times. and yes those moves are (f-air, b-air) are laggy, but they have decent priority and if you use them a little earlier than people would expect, they tend to float into them and get hit. And even if they try to do a cheap kick to break the move, by the time they are close enough for their kick to hit, you will already be in the attack frames of the animation and it will go through alot of attacks (unless u run into snake/ meta knight or other people with godlike priority).poster
Your friends really suck.
Seriously, look at the tournament results. Ganon has the very worst tournament placements.
As for the spartan kick and Dair both are very hard to land and are laggy (except for the Dair if you short hop and Dair instantly)
What I like to do is edgehog this causes people to jump again because they cant hold onto the edge anymore,
If you aren't edgehogging they'll just snap onto the magnetic ledges, if you are they hit you and snap onto the ledge or make it back onto the stage.
Also he has one of the best recovery moves, the ganoncide. If you time it right it sort of glitches or something and spends the person down but you manage to grab the edge. Also just a plain ganoncide when you have more stock is always a good way to go.
Both are hard to land. And good luck getting a lead with Ganon against a good player. LOL
And his f-air (or was it b-air) has great knock back.
Both are hard to land and are laggy as hell.
I like that he is nerfed because now ganondorf has a chance. If we still had the old captain falcon, Ganondorf would be useless. Sure he is powerful as all hell, but he is slow as hell and his awesome d-air as a pretty small hit box, couple that with sub-par recovery, you have a sketchy character. Now that Falcon is nerfed, atleast you run into a few matches were people actually use ganondorf unlike back in the SSBM days when everyone was just Falcon. and on a side note, is Kirbycide still possible in SSBB? that move was cheap ....poster
What? Ganondorf is even worse now. In Melee he stood a chance with L-canceling.
You should see me play as Pit in SSBB, wow. It got to the point where people wouldn't let me play as him anymore, I would never, ever lose. I'm a master of shield/dodge on the SSB series and with Pit's flying I just became that much more invincible.0bscurity
Pit's UpB is actually pretty easy to gimp since he doesn't get his UpB back when hit.
Maybe so, but just look at how many people now suck with Cpt. Falcon ever since they nerfed it. It was his bread and butter.poster
People suck with Falcon now because no one bothers with him because he's been nerfed to unplayability. And you're the first person I've seen who's glad Falcon was nerfed, Falcon was the funnest character to play in Melee.
Dude when I used Falcon i would kick so much ass with him back in melee. It got to the point where people would say "no more Falcon man, he is just too much" so I stopped using him and got good with other characters. 9/10 times my killing movie with Falcon was the Knee of Justice. While it is best used at the end of a combo, its possible to use it without a combo. The knock back on it if you hit with the sweet spot was as insane, if not more, as Ganondorf's Spartan Kick, except its not as slow. That knee was a killing machine and thank god they nerfed it.poster
Your friends suck. Play someone who knows how to shield and mixes up his techs and getups.
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