- 1.a popular trend, especially in styles of dress and ornament or manners of behavior.
Sorry to burst your bubble but fashion is NOT determined by how expensive or well crafted certain clothes are. Fashion is derivative of culture thus the reason different parts of the world have unique fashion.
In the US a big fashion trend is to buy second hand from places like goodwill or salvation army, not to for the intent to dress poor, but to be financially savvy and to have creative freedom in what they wear.
Parts of the middle east have conservative dress for women based on religion, this is a cultural decision and dictates their fashion.
And you @henrythefifth are apart of a culture as well, apparently some kind of British Aristocrat type culture, I'm sure where you live you might be seen as fashionable, but dress like that in the US and people will think you're part of some Christmas play set in the 1800's
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