SteezyZ's forum posts
I don't think that the PS3 can beat out Crysis on a purely technical standpoint, but good art style and fluid animations can go a long way to making a game look better than it normally would. The same applies to the 360 and (gasp) the Wii.
From a purely technical standpoint, I'm curious to see how Rage turns out (assuming it comes out this year). If there's one company that can best Crytek, it'll be the old masters at id. It'll be just as interesting to see what kind of disparity there will be between the PC and console versions.
I dont see how they did that considering that Xenon is verry different from Cell_rpg_FANI have to agree. What's also suspicious is how the article makes it sound as if Sony and IBM designed the Cell specifically as a gaming architecture (or at least from the title of the mentioned book)...which they didn't.
[QUOTE="SteezyZ"]The scratch-proof coating is the most interesting thing about BluRay for me too. Besides that, who needs to invest in another disc player (whether it be a PS3 or standalone player)? Downloadable movies are the way to go, and HDD storage only gets cheaper.[QUOTE="micky4889"]I like the fact that blu-ray is scratch proof iv lost a lot of DVDs due to scratches over the years ( and yes i look after my DVDs scratches just seem to occur with age and the swapping of discs )Captain__Tripps
Disc-users are living in the past.
Yeah, because those without BB internet will wait 6 months to get their movie downloading over dialup/satellite... [/QUOTE Oh that's right, I need to download the HD movies I watch over satelite... oh wait :-Odidn't M$ say they would support Blu Ray if it won?-Mad_Rhetoric-Of course, for Windows and general media. After all, it is the defining format for HD movies now. But for gaming, they probably could care less this gen.
[QUOTE="MarloStanfield"][QUOTE="jakarai"] So we should just live in the stone age and keep using DVDs for all games. Gotcha. :roll:jakaraichanging discs vs lenghty forced installs and a premium on the hardware doesn't really sound like a bad option. That is unless you're a Cow who regurgitates their PR and defends them at every oppurtunity Installs will be a thing of the past with faster Blu ray read speeds next generation.
Negative, for reasons that you probably couldn't understand. HDD read speeds will always be faster than optical discs, and PC games have used/abused this benefit for a long time for good reason. The fact that the PS3 introduced installs this gen is a sign of the future.
I like the fact that blu-ray is scratch proof iv lost a lot of DVDs due to scratches over the years ( and yes i look after my DVDs scratches just seem to occur with age and the swapping of discs )micky4889The scratch-proof coating is the most interesting thing about BluRay for me too. Besides that, who needs to invest in another disc player (whether it be a PS3 or standalone player)? Downloadable movies are the way to go, and HDD storage only gets cheaper.
Disc-users are living in the past.
yep and the 360 owners aren't getting left out in the cold like many thoughtjohnnyblazed88I hate to say it, but I'll believe that is the case when I see it. On another podcast, a L4D dev also said that TF2 for the 360 should be getting a mega-DLC (i.e. everthing the PC version already has) by Christmas...
Oh my godz! MGS has lots of cinemas! What's next? The sun is yellow? The seas are blue because they reflect the sky? Blood flows through our veins? 1991 wants its old complaints back. This has been thrown at every single MGS game and guess what...nobody cares. Its the only hate that can be spewed for those with tiny attention spans and a lack of appreciation for the artistic nature of video games. You want instant dumb fun? Put in gears of war. Bam. Or just pop into some halo 3 multiplayer. All the dumb fun you want. MGS is obviously a higher caliber of entertainment and is not for you. Bread_or_Decide
I guess I wouldn't complain about MGS cutscenes if they were all good. To me, it is as distracting/negative in such a story-heavy game to have poor dialog/timing as having a bad level in any other game (Library in Halo anyone?).
You talk as if all 10-or-so hours of cinematics were amazing...well, they really weren't (Drebin Beast postmortem monologues = fail), and it has nothing to do with attention span. In fact, the heavy-handed nature and often repetitive dialog in which Kojima presents the story is not "higher caliber entertainment", it's treating me like I'm a child.
I appreciate that MGS is unique in its cinematic presentation and high production values, and I can see how the "same old" complaints against it are annoying...but I'm just as tired of fanboys acting like it's Oscar/Pulitzer material.
11.7 GB. Btw, the Lich King install dvd actually has the complete install on it so you don't need to install the original,bc, or any of the patches prior to installing LK.stele29Finally! It was annoying having to go through the whole patching process....
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