SteezyZ's forum posts
Even if it does, it will be a hollow victory for 2 reasons:
1. The Wii still will have crushed both its competitors
2. Beating MS by anything less than a huge margin (millions) means nothing, since it still means Sony hemorraged marketshare and mindshare this gen, both for consumers and developers.
Lulz, and Lef4Dead got "docked" with a "con" because the "Campaign is less fun when played alone"....for a coop game. Welcome to subjective reviews, where something is gamebreaking to one person, but not to another.Lost Odyssey gets docked points for being too traditional with a turn based battle system
yet I dont see any of that crap on the Persona 4 Review
LO 7.5
P4 9.0
And most will try it out for 20 minutes and never log in again until something actually happens. I would love to play chess rag but its impossible with the lines they have to play chess. dvader654
Hold the have to get in line to play the games in Home? Say it ain't so!
Hulu & Youtube streams are grainy. But the cow can knock themselves out with it. Let's face it, the PS3 world doesn't have a decent streaming service to speak of, just knock-offs & a little piracy. :)
Actually, arguing for BluRay, and in the same breath saying YouTube is better than Netflix is pretty funny. On the one hand, you have HD, the other, super grainy. Basically, the fanboys are saying that the resolution doesn't matter...
[QUOTE="SteezyZ"]Isn't Netflix also available via a PC, and other set-top boxes on the market? While it's sweet the 360 has it, it's hardly the exclusive way to stream Netflix to your TV.HarlockJCthere are boxes they sell which allow you to hook netflix up to your TV they are about $100. So chalk up Netflix on 360 as a "nice to have", just like BluRay is to the PS3...
MS has been cutting prices in reasonable times in reasonable ways. The Arcade isn't worth more than $200 at this point. If anything, I think MS has (or had) a pricing plan for the life of their console, moreso than Sony does.
The worst thing that can happen to Sony right now is to announce a price cut...only to have Nintendo announce the first Wii price cut of $50-$100. I'm sure the "general" media (i.e. not gaming sites) would whip up a Wii price cut into a frenzy...the PS3, not so much.
[QUOTE="dgsag"]Blu-ray is not the next DVD? 20% of Dark Knight's sales are blu-ray, and its only been about a year since the format officially released...RocKtheCasbaHIf Blu-Ray had the same impact as DVD that figure would have been nearer 75%. I think that's what he means. Sure BR is here to stay but it's more mini-disc than DVD.
I agree, but it will do better than mini-disc. But BluRay probably won't enjoy the same proliferation as DVD. Why? Because while DVD didn't have to share the market with anyone (VHS was clearly inferior). BR has to live with existing DVD, and digital distribution is coming in can already stream movies from Netflix at a decent quality, what will another couple of years bring? Basically, it has less time to really take a big hold on the market, or else it might slip through its fingers...
Although my better judgement wanted me to buy it on the PC...I got the 360 version, solely for split-screen. But I'm suprisingly not disapointed, Valve nailed the controls for the 360 version, and there are a ton of people playing.
We'll see if they keep their word about getting content out for the console version this time around, and not pull another TF2...
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