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#1 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts

I really prefer having a physical format, simply for fear of my HD corrupting and taking my games with it.jekyll

I really prefer having the rights to a digital format, simply for fear of my DVDs getting scratched. When was the last time you had a corrupted HDD? For me, it was in 2001...that's seven years ago...and if my HDD died today, I could just get another one and re-download my Steam games like they were new! And if the "Steam Cloud" idea takes off onto the consoles, even your save games will be backed up! Seriously, of all the excuses for not liking DD, "faulty HDDs" needs to die.

I actually see a scenario more like music: DD is what all the hip kids will use, but there will still be stores selling those shiny discs for those not in the know (or collectors). Physical media's markeshare will slowly get eaten away over time, but it probably won't happen overnight.

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#2 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts
anybody have an idea on how they do this? johnnyblazed88
From a technical standpoint, I'm interested as well...but chances are they're using a modded console and/or a ripped copy of the game.
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#3 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts
Yeah as mentioned... this game offeres so much less than TF2 in terms of gameplay and contect and yet priced full $50. That's pretty dumb and certainly not worth the full price.The_PC_Gamer
While that's true today, at release TF2 didn't have all that many (interesting) maps. But right now TF2 is a steal at $20 (assuming that's still the price), and I'm sure once L4D gets some content love, it'll be worth every penny to all the skeptics.
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#4 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts

If the game (a) doesn't have some sort of multiplayer or (b) isn't longer than 8 hours, I could care less if it ends being 120 FPS at .

There's no doubt that it'll look good, but if it's more button mashing with the thrown-in quicktime events...well, I've played that game 3 times over already (PS2 + PSP versions). It's been fun, but c'mon, let's push it beyond just graphics! *crosses fingers*

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#5 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts

I really try to avoid free mmos since most of them are garbage. I remember many years ago I played and enjoyed Priston Tale but it didn't last long.

Whats the monetization model for these games anyway? In game cash shops? That stuff ruins mmo's for me.

I have to agree, if you've played a decent P2P MMO before, playing the free ones is utter boredom/frustration. On the other hand, if you haven't played a WoW/LOTRO/WAR/SWG/etc., you might get better mileage...
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#6 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts

You know, MS doesn't want to give up the money. Plus it covers a lot of fees for their servers and other things. The reason Windows Live was a failure is because PC gamers had other *free* competitive online networks (Steam, Xfire, etc.) to choose from. That's not the case for the closed system that is the 360, no other option = pay or no play. Gamers want to play lol.Episode_Eve

Again, you have some flawed logic. While Steam distributes games for free, servers running the actual games online are typically not free. Somebody (not Valve) is eating the cost of that CS or TF2 server...but for most people, as long as it's not them, they don't care. You can call it free all you want, but I'm sure there's a clan somewhere grumbling about all the freeloaders they have to allow onto their servers to keep it busy.

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#7 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts

The amusing (and sad) thing is that most of you think that playing PC games online is completely free. Somebody is paying for that TF2 server, whether it is a clan, or fan, it is NOT free. Even if someone has a set box in their basement, they're paying for the unit and its connection. You're just being a leecher, like most people (myself included).

That being said, I really wish MS gave a little bit more for the fee, or started making it cheaper. It would be interesting if they offered dedicated servers, and see if the community could maintain the games themselves. For popular games, it would work I'm sure, but for the lesser ones...probably not.

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#8 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts

1. I never said gameplay didn't make the game fun. If Killzone 2 has the same gameplay as Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, or Half Life 2, sign me up, screw "innovation", wanna know why? because you're mixing Half Life 2 gameplay WITH:

2. ATMOSPHERE, GRAPHICS, LIGHTING. All of this MIXED with the gameplay is what makes First Person Shooters now. You cannot convince me that First Person Shooters have room for more innovation, because there is no room left, someone would've thought of it by now, period. So how about you play the game first so you can feel the difference between other shooters, or STFU. No matter what you haters say us PS3 owners will be in bliss come February, and fanboys will lose.

I never dissed KZ2 once in my posts. I'm just saying that ALL FPS games nowadays have amazing graphics, lighting, and's almost 2009, after all. Look at my last post to another poster, where they give a GOOD reason as to why the game is amazing. It's also sad that you think the FPS genre has nowhere else to go. You fail to think about all the AI possibilities still to be achieved, seamless worlds to explore, dynamically created content...thankfully you don't work for a game company, or we'd never see this.
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#9 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts
the term generic is thrown around why too much imo. a game dones't need to add something completely new to be good, look at cod4 and halo 3. both great games but did they really innovate in terms of gameplay? no what they didn't do is have it's own identity. any game needs to have it own gameplay style like cod4's intensity and KZ2 is really about believeable enviornments and the weighty realistic feel when your fire the gun. you feel like your actually firing a weapons and not just some pee shotter. when the bullets hit you can tell with the amazing hit response. many games the bad guys just soak up bullet after bullet until they're health reaches zero and a death animation plays but in killzone 2 when each bullet hits the enemies gives an amazing reaction not seen in alot of games. this really adds to the feeling that your actually shooting a guns and you do have an effect in the world. don't care what anyone says but KZ2's gameplay looks amazing imo and it's a day one buy for meRagashahs
See, I agree with THIS description as to why the game is supposedly good, not "OMG graphics physics lighting OMG".
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#10 SteezyZ
Member since 2008 • 209 Posts

News flash: FPS Gameplay is pretty much finished, there is nomore huge OMFG innovation that developers can do to make FPS "different" then COD4, Halo, etc.

But guess what they can do? CHANGE EVERYTHING ELSE.

  • Atmosphere
  • Graphics
  • Animations
  • Lighting
  • Physics

^ALL of these things are done differently, and in my opinion, BETTER then ANY other FPS on the market right now. All of these things change the game completely and whether you want to admit it or not, it DOES make the game more FUN if it has the right combination of all.


I'm not quite sure where you're coming from, but I dissagree that FPS gameplay is finished, and I've been playing these games for a loooong time (see avatar).

In fact, the things you mention here are exactly what makes a generic FPS, where the dev simply concentrates on the game engine, and not on the gameplay.

No. And thank god dev's don't think like you otherwise we'd still be playing Doom and Half Life 1.

Actually, no, thank heavens devs don't think like you, since we'd be playing the same game over and over, only with better lighting. You really didn't understand what I was saying, did you? I'm saying that GAMEPLAY makes the game FUN, not how many assets the engine can throw around with realistic physics.