I really prefer having a physical format, simply for fear of my HD corrupting and taking my games with it.jekyll
I really prefer having the rights to a digital format, simply for fear of my DVDs getting scratched. When was the last time you had a corrupted HDD? For me, it was in 2001...that's seven years ago...and if my HDD died today, I could just get another one and re-download my Steam games like they were new! And if the "Steam Cloud" idea takes off onto the consoles, even your save games will be backed up! Seriously, of all the excuses for not liking DD, "faulty HDDs" needs to die.
I actually see a scenario more like music: DD is what all the hip kids will use, but there will still be stores selling those shiny discs for those not in the know (or collectors). Physical media's markeshare will slowly get eaten away over time, but it probably won't happen overnight.
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