News flash: FPS Gameplay is pretty much finished, there is nomore huge OMFG innovation that developers can do to make FPS "different" then COD4, Halo, etc.
But guess what they can do? CHANGE EVERYTHING ELSE.
- Atmosphere
- Graphics
- Animations
- Lighting
- Physics
^ALL of these things are done differently, and in my opinion, BETTER then ANY other FPS on the market right now. All of these things change the game completely and whether you want to admit it or not, it DOES make the game more FUN if it has the right combination of all.
I'm not quite sure where you're coming from, but I dissagree that FPS gameplay is finished, and I've been playing these games for a loooong time (see avatar).
In fact, the things you mention here are exactly what makes a generic FPS, where the dev simply concentrates on the game engine, and not on the gameplay.
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