Okay, so 2K licensed the images of various NBA players from the players or their Union. Since those players have tattoos, those objects are part of their image and 2K would have negotiated for those images already. If those players are under a licensing agreement with Solid Oak, that would need to be disclosed to 2K beforehand. If that licensing agreement is not disclosed, then the player is responsible for compensating Solid Oak for their tattoo images. However, I can't imagine any rich NBA player getting a tattoo under a licensing agreement. In the absence of such an agreement with the player, then I see no way for them to sue 2K, unless 2K knowingly violated terms of their agreement with an individual player.
You can put me in the bored with superhero movies column. I haven't watched one since Dark Knight Rises was released, and I'm not planning on seeing another anytime soon. Another remake like the Force Awakens and I'll probably be in the bored with Star Wars column as well.
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