I want to buy a complete game that doesn't cost $60. I don't want to buy DLCs or pay for microtransactions. I don't game on my cell phone, I prefer a proper system with real games, like the PSP. Lastly, I prefer to have physical copies that don't require an internet connection. Bah, you just make crap up as you go to justify your way over-inflated salary!!!!
99% of developers don't make a dime off of physical sales. Publishers make the money off the physical sales and generally pay bonuses to developers for reaching certain milestones. Developers tend to keep a greater share of the sales from DLC than publishers and/or can eliminate the middleman (publishers) if physical sales are non-existant.
I'm a video game addict. I need the government to support me. Please tax everyone else huge sums of money to provide me the help I need...a new top of the line computer, a credit line to pay for DLCs/online gaming services, the next generation consoles and new video games...I can't afford the $60 price tag and feel the tax payers of this nation should. If you don't help me I could become violent and yell a few obsenities at you or something. Oh, yeah, and like I played a FPS or two so I got more hearts and experience points than you do...so be warned cause I can pwn you!!!
I can't wait to play the next generation of "Leave it Beaver" based video games!!! FPS can change from First Person Shooters to Flower Planting Seeders!!! RPGs can go from Raping & Pillaging Games to oh something happy like Rainbow Painting Games!!! Oh I so can't wait to return to the 1950's...everything was so right and perfect with America then!!!
Okay, if 58% of parents believe video games contribute to violent tendencies in teenagers, then why do 95% of parents purchase and allow their teenagers to play such games? The points argument and it's supposed connection to video games is obviously a fabrication by the NRA to redirect the issue from guns.
Um, all the new HD TVs (like 2010 onward) pretty much come with WiFi and access to streaming media...why would you sink another $300 into a gaming console for that service?
Suaron_x's comments