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Superironic Blog

They are not Game Villains

I am sure there has been much discussion on this issue in regards to the All Time Greatest Game Villain, so I am giving my 2 cents on the issue. For those who have been following, both Darth Vader and the Joker are contenders in the All Time Greatest Game Villain. There are also a few morequestionable characters as well, but I am just going to talk about those two specifically on why I think they shouldn't be in the contest. The fact that both Darth Vader and the Joker are doing so well does annoy me and I will explain why they shouldn't be on the list.

1) Darth Vader is famous for being a movie villain, not a game villain. The Joker is famous for being a DC comic villain, not a game villain. So in conclusion they are NOT game villains, but villains who have just also been utilised in a game.

2) The contest is for the All Time Greatest Game Villain, not the All Time Greatest Villain who alsohappens to be in a Game.

3) Both Darth Vader and the Joker are really popular villains. They aren't just praised as movie villains, but also get praise for being great villains overall. This does make it unfair for true, pure game villains, who made their fame through videogames,to get anywhere in the contest.

Well there are my main reasonings on why Darth Vader and the Joker shouldn't be included in the contest. On a related note, I am ranked pretty badly in the contest. I chose Cyberdemon to win with Alma as runner-up, both were knocked out first round. :cry:On an unrelated note, I picked up Heavy Rain and downloaded Alex Kid in Miracle World (SMS), Metroid (NES), and Lylat Wars (N64)off the Nintendo Marketplace (is that what is called? :oops: ). I have been busy so I haven't had much time to get right into them, but I will get to them! :D

Predictions Recap

A few months ago I did a blog where I predicted how many of the games would be received on GS. Now that the games have been released, I can now conclude how accurate my predictions were:

Mass Effect 2- Definitely the Uncharted 2 of this year. Great graphics, great game, but way overhyped and overrated.

UPDATE: Well it has been released and has been very well received. It is still a little overrated, but definitely living up to the hype.

UPDATE 2: Well I have actually played the game, and I guess I have become part of the group calling this GOTY. I really loved it, and considering I disliked the first game, ME 2 left me speechless.

God of War 3- The AC2 of this year. It will be a great sequel, and a vast improvement from it's processors.

UPDATE: Received really well and seems to be living up to the hype. The only downfall I keep hearing of is the ending. I can't spoil it for anyone as I don't know the ending, I just know that many are disappointed about it.

Dante's Inferno- I think Dante's Inferno to GoW3 will be as Saints Row 2 was to GTA IV. It will be a great game that will be overshadowed by a more popular game.

UPDATE: Hasn't been received as well as I hoped. Not only is it constantly being compared to how bad it is compared to GOW3, it isn't even living up to the hype it was receiving.

UPDATE 2: A flop and exactly what I said before. The only difference being that it has totally been forgotten. I even forgot this game existed until I seen it on the list.

Halo Reach- Most likely the MW2 of this year. It will be the most hated, but also the most liked.

UPDATE: Well it hasn't been released yet so I can't comment. However the hate has died down quite a bit since when I wrote these predictions. More of the game has been revealed, and looking to be a solid title.

Alan Wake- I think this is going to be the hidden gem of the year, a really great game, but easy to miss because of the other games this year.

UPDATE: Another flop, although I don't think it was really that big of the flop. It is a decent game, and been receiving decent scores however the expectations for this game have been high and considering it has been in development for ages, has catered for this, which is why it can be seen as a flop.

Half-Life 2 Episode 3- The Duke Nukem Forever of the year. Some say it will be amazing, others question it's existence, only time will tell.

UPDATE: Portal 2 has entered the scene, distracting everyone of the fact that Episode 3 is still taking awhile.

MAG- I think this is going to be a flop... but not a bad flop. I think it won't be as good as it was made out to be, but a decent game netherless.

UPDATE: I haven't heard much, well anything about MAG since it's release. Nothing bad to say, nothing good to say, possibly a hidden gem?

UPDATE 2: I still haven't heard anything about this game.

Battlefield Bad Company 2- Like MW2, only less hated by the PC Gaming Community, and sadly not as much sales as MW2.

UPDATE: It was received quite well and practically nothing has changed in regards to opinions on the game. It is constantly getting compared to MW2, and will continue to do so.

Heavy Rain: I think this will receive a love/hate relationship. I can't really say much as I think it could go either way with this game, but that is my 2 cents.

UPDATE: This game has only really appealed to a set fanbase, and as far as I can tell, a great game. Heavy Rain seems to be becoming a hidden gem indeed.

Splinter Cell: Conviction: I am quite biased on this one, I think this is going to be a really good game! I haven't played any Splinter Cell games, but from what I have seen from this game, I wish I had. I personally believe it will be well received by fans, and possibly well received by people like me who are new to the series.

UPDATE: Haven't heard much about it to be honest. However from what I remember it was received quite well from people new to the series, however people who are fans of the series and have experience with the previous games were a bit disappointed.

Bioshock 2: I am kicking myself that I didn't do this game back in my previously blog, how could I have missed it! Well my thoughts were that this game would be decent, but would not live up to the original Bioshock.

UPDATE: Now how has it been received? Well I am not quite sure, I haven't heard much about the game after it's release, and when I do, people mainly have mixed feelings about this game.

UPDATE 2: Still haven't heard much about it. I think it is safe to say though that it didn't live up to the original, which is what I said before anyway.

Final Fantasy XIII: Really overhyped, I think the people who will enjoy it the most are those who aren't caught up in the hype. I think this will be like any typical FF game, but I honestly don't think it will be anything special, or a FF game which will stand out in the series.

UPDATE: People have mixed feelings about this game, they rather like it or really like it. I think it is safe to say that FFXIII has lived up to the hype, with the occasional few who are disappointed. FF is another game that appeals to a set fanbase, so fans of the series knew what to expect.

Well there you have it, I don't think it is possible to BUMP a blog, but I think I have accomplished the next best thing. :P I was wrong a few times in my predictions and I am not afraid to admit that. Feel free to comment on your personal experience with any of these games. With that said, thanks for reading. :)

Trophy and Achievement Update 04

Yes, one of those blogs.. :P Well I need to update every once in awhile so I can keep progress...

Superironic 2010 (Platinum)
Successfully earn every trophy in 2010 (14/19)

Money Spender (Gold)
Spend a total of $210 on the PS3 (167/210)

Early Bird (Gold)
Play a total of 5 PS3 exclusive games released in 2010 (0/5)

Gamer Blogger (Gold)
Post a total of 20 blog posts on Gamespot (20/20)

PSN Collector (Silver)
Buy 5 PSN games off of the PSN store (4/5)

True Friend (Silver)
Comment a total of 3 times on someones blog, in the same blog post

Journey Man (Silver)
Post in 5 different unions (5/5)

Off Topic (Silver)
Post in the Off Topic forum 10 times in the same day

Impulse (Silver)
Play 3 different PS3 games in the same day

Virtual Prankster (Silver)
Wish 3 different people 'Happy Birthday' over the PS3, without actually knowing their birthday. (3/3)

Nostalgia Gamer (Bronze)
Complete a game you have already completed in the past

Better in Blu-ray (Bronze)
Buy a blu-ray movie

Imported (Bronze)
Import 2 music CD's onto the PS3 HDD

Noticed (Bronze)
Get quoted by another GS user

Smile (Bronze)
Use 3 emoticons in the same post

Hypernator (Bronze)
Post on a game specific forum before the game is released

Traveler (Bronze)
Visit 5 different gaming sites other than Gamespot

Opinionated (Bronze)
Write and construct a review on Gamespot

Camera-man (Bronze)
Upload a gaming video to Gamespot or any other video uploading site

Sony Fan (Bronze)
Post on the PS3 forum on Gamespot


Superironic 2010 (150G)
Successfully earn every achievement in 2010 (16/19)

Money Spender (100G)
Spend a total of $210 on the 360 (210/210)

Early Bird (100G)
Play a total of 5 360 exclusive games released in 2010 (2/5)

Gamer Blogger (100G)
Post a total of 20 blog posts on Gamespot (20/20)

XBLA Collector (50G)
Buy 5 XBLA games off of the XBL Marketplace (5/5)

True Friend (50G)
Comment a total of 3 times on someones blog, in the same blog post

Journey Man (50G)
Post in 5 different unions (5/5)

Off Topic (50G)
Post in the Off Topic forum 10 times in the same day

Impulse (50G)
Play 3 different 360 games in the same day

Virtual Prankster (50G)
Wish 3 different people 'Happy Birthday' over the 360, without actually knowing their birthday. (3/3)

Nostalgia Gamer (25G)
Complete a game you have already completed in the past

Who Needs Blu-ray? (25G)
Buy a DVD movie

Imported (25G)
Import 2 music CD's onto the 360 HDD (2/2)

Noticed (25G)
Get quoted by another GS user

Smile (25G)
Use 3 emoticons in the same post

Hypernator (25G)
Post on a game specific forum before the game is released

Traveler (25G)
Visit 5 different gaming sites other than Gamespot

Opinionated (25G)
Write and construct a review on Gamespot

Camera-man (25G)
Upload a gaming video to Gamespot or any other video uploading site

Microsoft Fan (25G)
Post on the 360 forum on Gamespot

Well, I think I have made quite a bit of progress here... I must say I am regretting how descriptive I made the early bird trophy and achievement. I have no idea how I am going to accomplish such a feat. :o

Anyway, just to extend this blog, I thought I would mention that I am sick. What started out as a simple dry throat has become a sore throat, cough, cold, headache and pretty much the basic elements which make up the flu. This is one of the worst I have come across and has left me fatigued preventing me from gaming, attending my cIasses and posting on GS. I am a little better now, which is why I am doing this blog. :)

Well that is it for me, till next time :D

Merry Christmas Don't Do Drugs

It is my birthday today, 19 years and still going. My plan is to live forever, so far so good /lame joke. :P Now you are probably wondering about the blog title? Well they are two messages I received today, one being "Merry Christmas" and the other being "Happy Birthday, don't do drugs" :lol:. And no if you are wondering, I haven't tried drugs. :)

Well I had a really good weekend. Sat night I spent the night with my mates, chilling and gaming. It was really nice to catch up and what not. Also on Sunday, I saw the family which was just as nice and now today, the prezzies. :D I got Mario Kart Wii and New Super Mario Bros Wii. I am REALLY enjoying the New Super Mario Bros! Also got a whole lot of Wii accessories, a JB HIFI gift card (JB HIFI is a entertainment store for those who don't live near one) and a mystery present I have yet to receive. :D

Well that is all for now, I will post a collage of pictures in my next blog soon to celebrate (pics I mainly picked up on GS). Until then, CAKE :D

*Prepared by Timma

I Have Finally Done It!

I own a Wii, making me the owner of all 3 consoles. :) I didn't think I could actually pull it off, since the consoles this gen have been massively expensive. Not just that, but games are slightly more expensive than they used to be. Some games being $110 at retail pricing. This does call for concern next gen though, I don't see the consoles being in the same price range as this gen. It is becoming harder and harder at being a gamer... well maybe it is just being an Australian Gamer... well on to the Wii part of this blog :P

There is really 2 reasons why I have one. 1) I saw it for a great price, the lowest I have ever seen a Wii for actually. 2) My birthday is coming up :)

I shouldn't really be playing around with it, but I just couldn't help myself. After picking up the box, and looking at the box proudly, I gave into temptation :P Basically, I have no games for it, as the deal only came with one shovelware game. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I honestly wouldn't care if it came with 4 shovelware games. At the moment, I have just been playing around with it, getting used to motion gaming, the dashboard, standard definition and just getting familar with the console. The wii-mote is actually surprisingly comfortable. I didn't think it would be, but it is and would go far to say that it is the most comfortable controller of the 3 consoles O_O.

I have been playing Wii Sports, and even though I don't like sports games, I still thought this game could have been a lot better. While it is great for a multiplayer game, it doesn't offer much or anything at all for a singleplayer experience. I am not sure if I should even be reviewing it as a game, as it feels more like a motion control demo than anything. Considering it comes free with every console, I guess that was the intention anyway. Also, I have been very paranoid about the wii-mote being flung onto the TV, I have heard horror stories about LCD TV's being destroyed because of it. I had a scare the other day, when my sister accidentally did throw the wii-mote. Luckily it went flying upwards instead of forwards, but I can tell you, I was a bit shaken up. I have been wearing the strap as tight as possible ever since :lol:

I find the channels a pretty interesting idea for a dashboard. It is a bit disappointing that the Wii doesn't have as big HDD like the other consoles if you could call it a HDD? Also the fact that it only accepts 2GB SD cards... or so the manual says. I tried my 4GB SD card and it worked, in your face manual! :evil: I was playing around with a channel called the voting channel, and felt lame getting amused by just voting in a poll. :oops:

So yeah, I don't have any of the good games for the Wii, and never realised this before but there are so many games I want for it. I am not going to play any soon, I am going to wait till my birthday, just to make the day that extra bit special and traditional :) Oh and I really want to play my GC games as well, but I can't find my GC controllers. :cry: I have been cleaning my room in hopes that I may come across them, no luck yet. :(

Well I thought I would make another blog and update you guys with this milestone (also been awhile since I made a blog :shock: ). :) Just goes to show, Manticores do still exist. :D

Donkey Kong Country Tribute

While replaying the DKC games, I did feel the need to dedicate a whole blog to possibly one of the greatest Trilogys of all time. It is hard not to like any of the DKC games, and is what I consider an instant classic. As soon as you play the first level, you just know this will be one hell of a game. The first level of DKC is nearly as iconic as the first level of Mario Bros on the NES. As well as it being a classic, DKC set the standard (for me anyway) with its near perfection of gameplay. Well no more praising, let's get right into it! :D

Donkey Kong Country:

There really isn't much said about this game that hasn't already been said. The best way to describe it is it is a great milestone in gaming. Mario Bros defined the NES era, Sonic defined the Sega era, and to me Donkey Kong Country defined the SNES era alongside Super Mario World and possibly Mario Kart. Anyway, Donkey Kong Country and all of them for that matter are nearly perfect. The gameplay is really fun, and bonus levels offer re-playability. Not only that, but the level design wasn't generic, and offered different ways of playing the game. Games nowadays may look way more better, and are way more complex, but the levels seem to be really generic. Every level in Donkey Kong Country is memorable.

The soundtrack is amazing, there is nothing like it. The graphics, for its time, were really nice. For a 16-bit system, I can't believe that the levels are still nice to look at. The learning curve is also isn't steep. Don't get me wrong, some levels can get quite difficult, leaving you somewhat frustrated, but doesn't go as far as giving you a challenge you can't handle. When I finished playing it, I was actually a bit sad as I remembered a feature that I haven't seen a long time... the character reel. This was usually the norm in that era, but at the end of a game, before the credits rolled by, you got see every single enemy, friend and boss at the end of the game. Even though they were technically enemies, I grew up loving each and every one of these characters despite our differences. It is really hard to explain, I am just being nostalgic. :oops:

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

Not only does DKC2 live up to its predecessor, it is actually better than DKC. I don't know why, but DKC2 has a bit more darker approach than the first one. It is something about the atmosphere of the game, ranging from jumping across large pits of lava, to being chased by a ghost on a rollercoaster. You would think that after the variety the first game offered, it would leave the game stale. But it doesn't. The game is left fresh and new, but at the same time keeping the same platforming gameplay we all loved in the first one. Not only that, but the soundtrack, levels and graphics are all as good as the first one.

There is actually a lot more re-playability this time. This time, looking for bonus levels are rewarding and each time you complete one, you earn a Bonus coin. Collecting these coins we earn you access to 'The Lost World' (go with it) and you get to play more levels. Ironically, nowadays games don't work like that. You actually have to pay real money to play extra levels. This was the days in which if you wanted to play more, you had to earn it. I must admit, the difficulty has increased quite a bit, but still not a challenge that can't be handled.

Donkey Kong Country 3: Double Trouble

What amazes me about the Donkey Kong Country Trilogy is the fact that all three of them are great. There is no black sheep in the trilogy, well for me anyway. Again, everything you liked in the first and second game are here. What is really cool about this game is there is a lot more interactivity on the map screen, and feels more like you are traveling instead of a way to navigate through levels. There were also a few RPG elements put in as well, where you get to interact with characters and perform tasks to help them out. Again, I did become a bit emotional at the end when they had the character reel. They would show the enemy and it would take a picture in sepia tone to give that feel of good memories from the past. And this is exactly what this series was to me, great memories from my childhood that won't be forgotten.

Donkey Kong Country Returns:

You might be wondering what my impressions are of the new Donkey Kong Country? Well for one, I am really glad that Donkey Kong Country is finally making a return. When I first saw it announced at E3: Nintendo Conference my jaw was dropped. I have had a great urge to buy a Wii ever since that conference. However, I don't think it will have as great impact on me as the original did. It will probably be a great game, and as far as I can tell with the footage I have seen, it is looking to be a great game. However I just don't think the original can be topped. But if Donkey Kong Country Returns is half as good as the original, I will be very happy :)

Thanks for reading :)

Superironic Uncovered

This is another spirit of the moment blog (like my last one) where I share 5 things you may or may not know about me. Take note that this isn't even that personal and mainly just to do with my time in Gamespot :)

#1: The emblem for Sony's E3 Conference 2009 is a lie. initially, I didn't even get any of the emblems so I had to request my emblems in a GS thread at the time. When I did, I accidentally requested the Microsoft and Sony Conference emblems instead of the Microsoft and Nintendo Conference emblems. :oops:

#2: Even though I joined Gamespot on Jan 9, 2006, I didn't start becoming active until Feb 2007. During that year, I joined so I could post in the Gamefaqs forums instead of the Gamespot forums. In 2006, I had really slow internet and Gamespot would have been a pain to post in. In 2007 we upgraded and I started to post on Gamespot then. :)

#3: I have planted an Easter Egg in the Consoles Debate Union. It has been removed (by me), and as far as I can tell, it was never noticed in the time that it was active. However all evidence of it ever existed hasn't been completely wiped out. If you look closely, it can be seen in the CDU Tour Vid and can also be viewed in the post history if you are an officer. ;)

#4: I have had my alternative account for years. In fact we all know this account and consider him a great friend on GS. That's right, my alternative account really is... just kidding, had you going didn't I? :P I only just recently made this account and nobody knows who my alternative account is. :P

Real #4: With that said though, in the off-chance that you manage to cross paths with my alternative account, you will be able to tell as the first and only blog entry notifies that this is SI's alternative blog. ;) Actually, I don't think I have made that blog, well it will exist anyway :P

Edit: Yeah, it is now ;)

#5: I tend to 'thumb-up' comments whenever I see a poorly rated comment that I don't think deserved it. Whether it is on GS or Youtube, I have a habit of doing this and not entirely sure why as it really won't make much of a difference. :oops:

Thanks, I have been wanting to get this off my chest for awhile :D

The Sun is Shining...

...but the ice is slippery. Just a quote from the movie "The Shadow" which I thought was unusually cool (no pun intended :lol: ). Why include it in the title? I don't know. :P

Well I thought I would do another blog, no lists, updates or special stuff. Just me rambling on about stuff. The other day I was just sitting around and was really bored... and I love it! Holidays are great, been catching up on a lot of games and getting a lot of stuff done as well such as cleaning and rearranging my room :P I added 2000 MS points to my account, so I could buy Earthworm Jim HD for 800 MS points. Now I don't know what to do with the other 1200 MS points... :lol:. I also bought the CoD Pack on steam which features all the CoD games (excluding MW2) for $30, I actually enjoy CoD4's MP over MW2's MP for some reason. Then again I don't really care for MP so yeah and only played MW2 for a day :P

In my T/A list I said I would post a video and not on what I should do. Everytime I start a Let's Play I never end up finishing it, I also hate my voice :P I actually have done a LP on (and I am not joking) posting in OT. But I was kinda drinking at the time so I was probably saying all sorts of BS :oops:. I could do a music vid, but that requires quite a bit of editing. Actually I have already done one called 'Engineer's Journey' but not sure whether to post it because it is just so... pointless.. :lol:

Well it's 1:20 AM, I think that is it for me. :)

Superironic's Top 10 Videogame Soundtrack Pieces

Mainly in conjuction with the Top 10 Themes I posted earlier on, but I love soundtracks, whether it be in a movie or a game, they are just amazing and can be a real deciding point in how successful a movie or game will be. An epic soundtrack can be the deciding point between a good game, and a great game. Usually people don't take notice of the soundtrack, but I take notice and really pulls you into the game emotionally. So I am going to make my own list, I won't include any of my themes as I have already mentioned them, and I know I will leave a lot of great pieces out, but here is my selection anyway:

#10: Duke Nukem Zero Hour - Liberty or Death

I loved the Duke Nukem soundtrack from both Duke Nukem Time to Kill on the PS1 and Duke Nukem Zero Hour on the N64. The song that stands out the most is probably... well the Duke Nukem Time to Kill Credits. :P But apart from that, I love Liberty or Death. I mean even the title makes it out to be one badass song and overall, the most memorable song in the game.

#9: Linger in Shadows - Main Theme

If you haven't played Linger in Shadows, you probably will have a hard time understanding what it is about. It isn't really a game, and quite frankly, I am not even sure what it is about. Regardless, I loved the soundtrack and sets you in the mood for... whatever Linger in Shadows is. It is quite long, but the pace changes all throughout the song just like the game itself. Very hard to explain, but a remarkable piece of music. Also, if you really like it, you can download it off the PSN store for free ;)

#8: Donkey Kong Country - King K. Rool

The Donkey Kong Country series has probably the best game soundtrack on the SNES. The most memorable though, is the final boss battle in DKC1. I love the way it sounds calm right at the beginning, and then sets it up, right into some epic action. For all the trouble and crap you had to go through to confront this guy, you finally get your revenge! What a perfect piece to sum up your feelings and end the game.

#7: Raptor Call of Shadows - Level 6

This is one of my favourite DOS games, and when I think side-scrolling shooter, I immediately think of this. One Youtuber summed up my thoughts on this song and I quote him: "I always loved this one, it felt you we're soaring, about to become more than you ever were." Couldn't have said it better myself IconOfSin24148!

#6: Goldeneye - Surface

Who hasn't heard of Goldeneye? Back in the day when Rare was so good that they could even turn a movie-based game into a masterpiece. This is actually quite a special game as it is what introduced me to 007. That's right, I played a 007 game before even watching a 007 movie! I didn't even think there was a movie, but when I found out, I saw it asap and loved it. Then I found out there were so many other James Bond movies and since then I have watched every single one of them and now a big fan of 007. I have talked for too long, but all I have to say is great soundtrack, and this is my favourite from the game.

#5: Syphon Filter 2 - Wreckage Site

This song is also played in a few boss battles, including the final boss fight. I really love this game, and the soundtrack is really awesome. It was unlike no other at the time, and the story (although not impressive nowadays) was really intense and in-depth. I loved the intensity of this song and really takes me back to the final twist at the end of the game and the final boss fight.

#4: Earthworm Jim 2 - Lorenzen's Soil

This is probably the most random, bizarre game I have ever played and love it! I love this stage, and the music fits in so well. You are basically covered in soil, and the only way to progress is to shoot your way through. The music basically says: "You have a lot of hard work to do, but you will pull through". The overall soundtrack is great for this game, and one of the levels (no kidding) has moonlight sonata playing in the background! The level itself though, I.. I just can't explain it. This game just came out of nowhere and said "Screw it, who gives a rats about logic!?" Neverless, this song is WAY COOL!!!

#3: Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - The Campaigner

For a N64 game, this game was pretty dam dark for its time. This music, practically sums up how brutal the last level is and how much work and effort was needed to get there. The level was sooooo long, so many corridors, so many obstacles, and so many enemies. Finally, after a long journey, you are confronted with this massive dinosaur. You woulod think that would be the end right? No, the final boss is this warrior (Kahn like) who you have to face on top of the building you just travelled through. Pretty intense by my books and this music pinpoints exactly how I felt!

#2: Mass Effect 2 - Suicide Mission

I only just finished playing ME2 and I really love this game. I was pretty skeptical, I have had people recommend me an amazing game and it turning out to be just an okish game. But ME2 blew all my expectation sky high. I honestly didn't think I would play such an amazing game this year but I was gravely mistaken! I love this song, and has an epic feel that only this game can pull off. I really cared about what would happen to my team, and was really worried that I would make the wrong decisions throughout this mission. Not everyday that a game has me worried about fictional characters!

#1: World of Goo - Best of Times

Another game that took me completely by surprise. Out of all the games I could have chosen, who would have thought a game named "World of Goo" would have had a soundtrack on par with huge games like Halo? But don't let the game fool you, the soundtrack is really amazing! It is such a sad song, and really made me feel sad for those goo balls. This song could have easily passed in being featured in a war movie, an apocalyptic movie or any movie where death is prominent. A really emotional piece and one that deserves way more credit.

Well that is my top 10, I understand I probably missed out a lot of great music, but choosing 10 was a hard choice and tried to pick out the ones that I most connected to. Thanks for reading :) (Note: Spell Checker still not working :roll: )

... Bonus Song (for the lulz 8))