The next installment in my Sonic Tweaked series. See if you can spot the invisible Sonic trick and the disappearing chaos emerald. :P
Superironic Blog
Lost Video: Shock Absorbing Boots Test
by Superironic on Comments
This video won't appeal to anyone, but I will upload it anyway. Pretty much an experiment I was conducting which I decided to record as well. In Battlefield 2142, there is an item you can equip called the Shock Absorbing Boots (SAB) which are meant to conduct health damage for when your soldier falls. I was just curious to see how well the item actually worked so I compared a soldier who had the item equipped to a soldier who didn't.
Reason it was never uploaded: Wouldn't appeal to anyone (On Gamespot). Also I was going to polish it and re-assess my background song choice (On YouTube).
Reason to watch it: Listen to the song in the background. :P
Lost Video: Sonic Tweaked Part 1
by Superironic on Comments
Pretty much, I made this video to see what it would sound like if I used the background music of Sonic Adventure in the original Sonic the Hedgehog game. And there is pretty much nothing else to it. :P
Reason it was never uploaded: I never finished the project. :oops:
Reason to watch it: My sucky play through. :P
Lost Videos
by Superironic on Comments
I was thinking the other day, about the gaming video I am going to make. However it occurred to me that I already made a lot gaming videos I just haven't uploaded them rather because I didn't like it, or it wasn't perfected or polished enough, or it was an idea I had that seemed great on paper, but thought the product was lacking. So everyday, starting tomorrow (AUS time :P), I will be releasing one of these videos everyday. I am still working on a gaming video, but I thought I would just do this anyway, so that I can say I released one this year. :P
Kinect Impressions + Good News
by Superironic on Comments
Firstly I would like to officially announce that I am on holidays, my exams are finally over! :D So far I haven't done anything productive yet but I have just been relaxing and celebrating my first year of university. So far I have completed Marble Blast Ultra 100%. I am the first on my friends list to do that and I only did it all in a few days. :) For those who have never heard of the game, I would highly recommend it. Also I technically haven't completed it 100% but the rest of the achievements are multiplayer orientated, which I don't count. :P I also completed Earthworm Jim HD on original difficulty, which wasn't too hard despite it actually being the hardest difficulty in the game. Finally I have been making my way through Read Dead Redemption, which I have been finding a bit lacking. Hopefully it does pick up though. :) Maybe I haven't completely wasted my time after all. :P
Also I went out and bought Kinect today. Initially I was going to pass on it, but my sister suggested it for a christmas gift we could go halves on so I thought why not? The second reason was because of the Star Wars game footage that they showed at E3. For some reason, that is the only good memory I have of the MS conference and has left a great impact on me. Who wouldn't want to virtually use a lightsaber? Anyway, Kinect is an amazing piece of technology. I am quite impressed. I am not just saying this because I am new to the motion gaming scene. I have been following it from way back into the eye toy ages. Kinect has actually done a very good job at sensing your movements and surpasses what the eye toy, PS Eye and 360 Cam (forgot the name of the 360 cam :oops: ) had to offer. Only problem is that there aren't any games for it yet. I have Dance Central and Kinect Adventures at the moment and from what I have played, they are decent games. But they aren't games I would take seriously.
Overall, Kinect is great, but I still stand strongly when I say that I would hate if motion controls took over gaming completely. Kinect is advanced, but it isn't perfect nor is motion gaming in general. Normal controllers offer a more stronger sense of control and perfection that motion controllers just don't have. It is true that it can be more engaging and realistic when motion control is utilised, but whether you like it or not, it is just a gimmick.
Trophy and Achievement Update 05
by Superironic on Comments
Yeah, I know, it is one of these blogs again, but I have to update it every now and then so I don't forget. :P
Superironic 2010 (Platinum)
Successfully earn every trophy in 2010 (17/19)
Money Spender (Gold)
Spend a total of $210 on the PS3 (210/210)
Early Bird (Gold)
Play a total of 5 PS3 exclusive games released in 2010 (2/5)
Gamer Blogger (Gold)
Post a total of 20 blog posts on Gamespot (20/20)
PSN Collector (Silver)
Buy 5 PSN games off of the PSN store (5/5)
True Friend (Silver)
Comment a total of 3 times on someones blog, in the same blog post
Journey Man (Silver)
Post in 5 different unions (5/5)
Off Topic (Silver)
Post in the Off Topic forum 10 times in the same day
Impulse (Silver)
Play 3 different PS3 games in the same day
Virtual Prankster (Silver)
Wish 3 different people 'Happy Birthday' over the PS3, without actually knowing their birthday. (3/3)
Nostalgia Gamer (Bronze)
Complete a game you have already completed in the past
Better in Blu-ray (Bronze)
Buy a blu-ray movie
Imported (Bronze)
Import 2 music CD's onto the PS3 HDD
Noticed (Bronze)
Get quoted by another GS user
Smile (Bronze)
Use 3 emoticons in the same post
Hypernator (Bronze)
Post on a game specific forum before the game is released
Traveler (Bronze)
Visit 5 different gaming sites other than Gamespot
Opinionated (Bronze)
Write and construct a review on Gamespot
Camera-man (Bronze)
Upload a gaming video to Gamespot or any other video uploading site
Sony Fan (Bronze)
Post on the PS3 forum on Gamespot
Superironic 2010 (150G)
Successfully earn every achievement in 2010 (17/19)
Money Spender (100G)
Spend a total of $210 on the 360 (210/210)
Early Bird (100G)
Play a total of 5 360 exclusive games released in 2010 (3/5)
Gamer Blogger (100G)
Post a total of 20 blog posts on Gamespot (20/20)
XBLA Collector (50G)
Buy 5 XBLA games off of the XBL Marketplace (5/5)
True Friend (50G)
Comment a total of 3 times on someones blog, in the same blog post
Journey Man (50G)
Post in 5 different unions (5/5)
Off Topic (50G)
Post in the Off Topic forum 10 times in the same day
Impulse (50G)
Play 3 different 360 games in the same day
Virtual Prankster (50G)
Wish 3 different people 'Happy Birthday' over the 360, without actually knowing their birthday. (3/3)
Nostalgia Gamer (25G)
Complete a game you have already completed in the past
Who Needs Blu-ray? (25G)
Buy a DVD movie
Imported (25G)
Import 2 music CD's onto the 360 HDD (2/2)
Noticed (25G)
Get quoted by another GS user
Smile (25G)
Use 3 emoticons in the same post
Hypernator (25G)
Post on a game specific forum before the game is released
Traveler (25G)
Visit 5 different gaming sites other than Gamespot
Opinionated (25G)
Write and construct a review on Gamespot
Camera-man (25G)
Upload a gaming video to Gamespot or any other video uploading site
Microsoft Fan (25G)
Post on the 360 forum on Gamespot
I will start on my gaming video once I finish my exams. As for the exclusive games, I am not sure if that is a feat I will achieve. For the 360, I need to get my hands on Alan Wake and Fable 3. as for the PS3 exclusives, I am not sure. I was thinking along the lines of GoW3 and MAG but the problem is GoW3 I haven't played the first 2 so I will have to get my hands on the GoW Collection prior to GoW3 and with MAG, I haven't heard much about the game so not sure if it is even worth a pick up. And even with that said, that will only make it 4/5 games crossed out. :?
Top 10 Dark Knight Moments
by Superironic on Comments
Instead of my regular list, I actually did a video instead to actually show you the scenes. If you haven't watched the Dark Knight or not a fan of the Dark Knight, you probably won't find this video all that too interesting but I thought I would upload it anyway. Also I did this video quite awhile back. I initially tried to upload it to youtube but got taken down due to the music in the video.
Also looking back at it now, I think the list was a bit biased. It seemed to focus more on the Joker scenes and there were a few scenes which I thought were great at the time, but not so much now. There were also areas of the film which had more of a focus than others, but anyway, these were my initial favourite moments of the film. To be fair though, it is very hard not to pick the scenes the Joker is in. :P Well anyway, enjoy. :)
Superironic's FAQ
by Superironic on Comments
I thought I would do a FAQ blog, these are questions which are frequently asked by GS users, friends in real life, asked previously but haven't really answered it properly or just questions I thought may be interesting to answer for my fellow GS friends.
How did you come up with the Username Superironic?
Quite frankly, I am not sure either. However I will tell you where it originated, keep in mind that it is surprisingly not as interesting as you would think. Superironic was actually decided when I was creating my very first hotmail account. The thing is, I wanted to come up with a username that was unique enough that it didn't require numbers. I really didn't want my email having numbers in it. I don't know the exact thought process but I manage to come up with superironic@hotmail.com and it was unique, I had beaten the number suggestion. :D I also thought it was a pretty cool username and I have used it for everything I have joined up to. Every website I have joined (apart from Youtube) has allowed me to have Superironic without numbers hence being unique. :)
Why is your Gamertag Superironic91 as opposed to just the standard Superironic?
I thought I would just get this out of the way while still on the subject. :P There actually is a Superironic GT, I created it when I got Windows Live with the purchase of Gears (PC). The problem is when I made the account, it for some reason put my country as the US instead of Australia and there is no way to change it. So I had to create a second account. Why 91? Well Superironic91 is also my youtube account and I love continuity. :P Also 91 is the year I was born (yes, very unoriginal :P).
What is your name?
Phillip, but everyone just calls me Phil. 8)
Do you have a man crush on James Bond?
Timma and a few members of the CDU has always had their suspicions. :P However it does beg the question, how much of a fan am I of 007? Well I have seen all of the 007 movies and have all of them on VHS (some are proper copies but most were just recorded from the TV). I have yet to own the whole DVD collection though. One year I joined a book club for a 007 magazine released weekly, so I have a whole bunch of 007 magazines. I have also collected 007 trading cards to go along with it. I also have have the 007 soundtrack featuring all of the themes throughout the movies, on both cassette and CD. Oh and I also have a 007 avatar :P (despite having Craig in the avatar, he actually isn't my favourite bond, that would go to Moore). So to answer the question... maybe...
[spoiler] yes :P [/spoiler]
What is your belief/religion?
I think this is a question that does come up, but usually doesn't get asked as it is quite a subject individuals are passionate about. But I thought I would share as I don't think my reputation would deteriorate from knowing anyway. Well I am not really sure what I am but the closest and most accurate belief to describe mine would be Agnosticism. So I am Agnostic. What is an Agnostic? Well I will 'try' to explain it as briefly and simply as I can for those who don't know. :)
Atheist - There is no God
Theist - There is a God
Agnostic - There could be a God
In others words, I don't really know. I could do a whole blog about my belief and theories but I don't think anyone would really be interested. I also don't want to offend my GS friends. :)
What is your favourite console?
Having all three consoles, I have been asked by my friends what is my favourite console? Most of my friends want to hear me say the 360 because most of them are 360 fans, however the 360 is not my favourite console. I can't pick a favourite console and honestly love every one of my consoles. How could you hate a console? Yeah, each one has there advantages and disadvantages but each experience with them has been a positive one! In a way, I am a fanboy, but I am not defending one console. I will defend all three of them to the death. ;)
What is your favourite Bond film? -nymets819
Connery: Dr No (honorable mention: Goldfinger) - I loved the mystery element of this movie and just holds your attention throughout the whole film.
Moore: The Man with the Golden Gun (honerable mention: Live and let Die and Moonraker) - I loved the villain and I loved that stand off at the end.
Dalton: License to Kill - If you want to see a darker Bond movie, don't watch Quantum of Solace, watch this one. This movie was so good that it could have easily been a satisfying end movie to the series. I don't want to spoil anything (in case you haven't watched it (you probably have though) :P) but definitely one that should be checked out.
Brosnan: Goldeneye - This was the first Bond movie I have ever seen and liked the twist that was revealed in the middle of the movie, and the final confrontation.
Craig: Casino Royale - While I hated Quantum of Solace, I loved Casino Royale. It was a more grittier Bond film which I thought was necessary to evolve the Bond franchise. I loved the plot, I loved the poker game and IMO really delivered.
My all-time favourite Bond movie is License to Kill. While the other films I listed have more replay value over License to Kill, when I first watched this movie I was mind-blown at how epic it was.
I thought I would also elaborate on why I disliked Quantum of Solace. Firstly, it was a disappointment that this secret organisation didn't turn out to be SPECTRE. If it did, it would have been awesome for some of the hardcore fans such as myself. :P I also thought it had way too much action and not enough plot development. I didn't really like the Bond girl in this one, and also thought Craig's performance was lacking as well. The villains were really generic and considering the previous movies had some of the most unique villains presented in any movie I have seen, there is no excuse for this.
That is all the FAQ's I will answer for today. If you have a question, leave it in the comments and I will add it to the list. ;) Thanks for reading. :)
The Dream
by Superironic on Comments
I had a dream a few weeks ago that I thought I would share.
The dream starts off where I woke up from a coma. I was pretty mind blown, and was curious to see what was going on in the world, how my family and friends were going and what I have missed. There was also this fear, how much time I wasted in this coma, would I be able to fit back into the world like how I left it? It is unclear how long I was in the coma for but unfortunately I wasn't in it as long as I thought. I am not sure how I am going to explain it (I am not sure how I even figured it out during the dream) but when I woke up, I only had memory from what was going till now. The truth was, I fell into the coma way more into the future but had no recollection on the events of what had happened between the events of my memory and when I fell into the coma. So lets just say I woke up from a coma today, and it was 2015 and fell into a coma in 2013, I would have basically lost my memory on what had happened from 2010 to 2013. I found this out when I asked my mum in the dream.
Something did seem odd in the dream though, although I was back, everyone didn't act like theirselves. I shrugged it off and continued with the dream and I went onto Gamespot hoping all my GS friends would be still on. I checked the Consoles Debate Union (a union in which I post in a lot) to find out the sad news that everyone had moved on. The next thing I remember was when I was at a friends house, having a get together with my friends. It was exactly the same as how I remembered it but there still wasn't something right. I decided to face the problem and asked what was going on? It was then that I realised the horrible truth.
During the time in which I don't remember, something bad had happened. I wasn't myself and during that time I became dark and bitter. I pushed away my friends and family and treated them all like crap. A lot of people really got hurt by this, and I hated myself for what I had become even they I don't remember ever becoming the person my friends were referring to. I tried to apologise and hoped everything would go back to the same. However one of my friends exploded and said "I would never forgive you for what you have done". Everything then settled down, and it was then that I came to the realisation that none of my friends had changed, they interacted the same way they did together. It was how they interacted towards me. They weren't as welcoming and felt as though everyone in the room hated my guts but were stopped by the mere fact that I don't remember a damn thing. All I remember for the rest of the dream was sitting by myself in shock and awe. What did I do? How did I get that way? Is this really happening? Luckily it wasn't, but it has been a dream that has left a impact me and really haven't stopped thinking about it.
That is all I remember of this dream, and although it is only a dream, it would have been a devestating experience if it were to actually happen. It has left me thinking about change. Will I be the same person in a few years time? Will I still have the same friends? Will my GS friends still be around? Will the CDU still be running? Change is a scary thought but it is both unavoidable and no way to prevent it. Ironically, the only thing anyone can do is not worry about the future, and enjoy the present while it lasts. :)
Gamespot is Creepy
by Superironic on Comments
The past few months of lurking through the GS forums have been a bit unsettling as I have come across some creepy and rather disturbing stories, images and videos. I am sure that these have been posted around the web quite a lot already, but I thought I would be nice and share them with you, just in case you were lucky enough to miss them. :P
If you are about to go to sleep, or get scared easily, this is a warning that what you are about to see, shouldn't be seen. ;)
1) Lavender Town:
As you can tell from these videos, Lavender Town is a level from the pokemon [insert colour] game. While the level isn't really shown, the real focus is the creepy background music. Something about it is horrifying. The song itself, appears like it was supposed to be an upbeat tune and nearly a happy song, yet comes across as a severely depressive nightmare of a tune. The real attention though is Lavender Town Missing Frequencies:
Not only does it include a somewhat unsettling story in the video description, the song changes dramatically 8:50 minutes into the video.
2) Majora
While some of us grew up with Zelda: Majora's Mask and enjoyed it greatly from our childhoods, this story puts the game in a whole new light. This college student attains an unusual copy of the Zelda game, however there is something about the game that isn't quite right, leaving the student with quite a horrifying experience. It is a long read and there are videos included to go along with the story, however it is a very well-structured creepy + pasta whether you believe it or not.
3) Smile.jpg
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
I think smile.jpg speaks for itself, but there is a story to go with it. They say that there are cases where individuals commit suicide after viewing the image and you will as well. That is the short and blunt version, I am sure that there is more to the story. Practically the internet version of the Ring.
4) This Man
You are probably wondering, who is this man? This creepy figure you see before you has been reported as being seen in everyones dream. There have been many people who have claimed to have seen this man in their dreams, many who say that they have never seen this man in their lives before apart from their dreams.
"I dreamt this man was in my mirror watching me, saying nothing, and he was wearing glasses. He never moved the entire time I saw him, he was like a statue, so still."
5) Superironic's Blog
Well that is it for me, and your welcome in advanced ;)
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