@Daemoroth There is a large wage gap between men and women, as well as between whites and minorities, in EVERY occupation. Saying women are simply less experienced is a moot point because if a man and a woman had the same level of expertise, the woman is still going to get paid less at the end of the day.
@vunacar I gotta log off, but I'll answer this quickly (and hopefully well).
Comstock didn't have tear-opening powers. The female Lutece developed the technology using funds provided by Comstock. She then brought the male version of herself (her 'twin') to her reality from his own. These machines rendered Comstock sterile and so he used this technology to tear into Booker's world and steal Anna.
@fayte0618 @Swoopalz @Warful Anna exists because -some- of the Bookers ran from the baptism. Booker had to be drowned during (not before) that specific moment (his cleansing) so he wouldn't be reborn as Comstock. Any Bookers that followed through with the baptism became Comstock and therefore did not produce Anna. The Bookers that fled all remained 'Booker'. The Booker that had to be drowned (Player-Booker) eliminated the possibility of Comstock existing by removing the baptism-possibility. There really isn't an 'original' Booker. They all exist simultaneously (you can see this at the end on all the other lighthouse docks). The tally board the Luteces present you with has 122 tallies on it (or something like that): meaning 122 alternate Bookers were also confronted with the coin toss. If it can be counted, Player-Booker is the 123rd, not the first. The Booker (and all his alternatives) that exist before the baptism don't really concern us because the main point of the sacrifice is to prevent Comstock's birth.
@fayte0618 @Warful No, Anna continues to exist. Elizabeth doesn't. Comstock only exists if Booker actually goes through with the baptism. Player-Booker and every other Booker that REFUSED the baptism (and ran away) is fine and goes on to marry and have a child. Player-Booker has to be drowned to eliminate the possibility of Booker surviving the baptism and becoming Comstock.
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