Unimpressive box art, unimpressive marketing technique. If one wants to appeal to a large audience, one advertises on TV and such, not by giving the product a bland, run-of-the-mill package. Besides, frat boys aren't going to buy Infinite because it doesn't have multiplayer.
@shadowhunter0 I'm not sure what the point of your comment is.
EA is a blight, roping in creative indie (and established) developers with the promise of increased funding, only to hover over their shoulders and dictate design decisions. EA pressures devs to release bigger titles more and more frequently, because they think that every game should be a FIFA and that there's no 'real' difference between a story/character-driven narrative like Dead Space or Mass Effect and a yearly released cash-cow like Madden; and the franchises suffer for it.
I gave those games a 10 to try and offset the trolls giving 1's (...lol, actually come to think of it, that's pretty much the only reason I ever rate anything on the internet). I haven't bought an EA game new or redeemed an online pass (besides ME3's... that was dumb to do in hindsight :/) in a couple years, if not more. Hence boycott. And check your facts: EA won the Consumerist's Worst Company in America award, not Activision.
@tisuko By neglecting the usage of splitscreen co-op, EA is essentially guaranteeing a second sale/the use of a second online pass, because co-op will require two Dead Space 3 discs. The absence of this ridiculously common mechanic has nothing to do with the game itself or the engine or anything like that; it's just EA being EA.
I remember sitting on my couch completely dumb-founded during the reveal and actually *shouting* at my TV, and that is something I have NEVER done (even when the bloody thing died moments into last year's Superbowl half-time).
Screw you, EA. When will you get it through your thick skulls that we buy sequels because we LIKE what the predecessor established and accomplished? I bought Dead Space because it was a survival horror with an absolutely AWESOME isolated, creepy atmosphere (albeit the heavy reliance on jump-scares and shock-gore), not because it was an "EPIC ACTION SET-PIECES ACTION BOSS HIGH ACTION INTENSITY ACTION" third-person shooter.
Dear god, EA, please just **** off and leave your successful franchises alone.
Sooner or later, that cancer of a 'company' (congrats on the Worst Company in America award, by the way) will have to fall; they can only survive pissing off their customers so long before it eventually bites them in the ass.
Swoopalz's comments