@wilson2k9 Now THAT would be difficult. Horror games rely on excellent pacing, little/no player empowerment, and an unsettling setting. Something that is next to impossible to accomplish within a true sandbox environment. I'm not saying it can't be done, but finding a AAA developer willing to take on such a hefty risk would be nothing short of a miracle.
@Deathstrokeme @Swoopalz "comparing the vastness of Skyrim vs. ME3 AC3 is kinda silly because they dont have nearly the amount of content to match it"
-- ^this is my exactly point. Games need to be put out with enough content so that we feel we got our money's worth. With ME3 and AC3, we didn't. That's why their value has dropped so low so quickly: everyone is getting rid of their copies.
Swoopalz's comments