@chemergency7712 Why not? Spreads awareness so gullible people won't get scammed.Seems good to me. If it doesn't concern you, why click on the article? It's blatantly clear what it is from the title so you easily could have just passed it up. But if it helps some people, that's great.
@capturedrapture Yea. It could use more games, but I'm satisfied so far. Between Zero Escape, Gravity Rush, WipEout, Persona, and Ragnarok Odyssey I've had a good mix of a variety of different games.
@smurfa1 What are you talking about? Gamespot provides a free service and makes their money through commercials. XBOX live on the other hand is an additional cost to play multiplayer after you have ALREADY PAID for a game. On Gamespot you have paid NOTHING so you are exposed to adds to make up for it. Some people...
I have no issues with XBOX live at all. The real problem are companies like Zynga, Nexon, and all the iOS freemium companies. Also things like Mass Effect multiplayer real money packs. These companies and features are downright exploitative. XBOX live on the other hand is just a service like cable tv, internet, or cellphone service. Sure, I would rather it be free, but compared to the whole $10 DLC for 1 hour of content (especially EA but many companies are adopting this practice) along with pay to win freemium games I'd gladly take XBOX live in an instant.
I wish more companies could be like CD Projekt RED.
Szeiden's comments