@emperiox @BetaVulgaris The fact that you say 'and Runescape is like a million times better!!!' gives it away. It doesn't work if you're so obvious. Better luck next time.
@mnoi Restricting race is a possibility. Restricting rank though? Like what? Some free player is as good as a Masters player but his ranking is restricted to Platinum so he keeps on owning Plat players? That wouldn't be very fun for the Plat players who actually paid for the game.
Another thing they could do though would be making it so free players can't veto maps. There would have to be more though, but things like that are perfect for restricting since they don't actually affect gameplay but are nice options for paying players. Map veto is also already in the game so it would be simple to implement this restriction. I'm not sure what else there is like this though.
@BloodyAura They aren't selling this product... It's a tech demo of something which could *some day* be used in a product. They aren't trying to fool anyone into buying some expensive piece of gimmicky hardware. Not yet.
@Sardinar The first iteration of something innovative will almost never be practical, but it is a stepping stone to future technology which may someday become mainstream.
@mhaed Yea, the auction house was a game killer for me. It's just not satisfying looking for great deals in the auction house instead of actually playing the game. Yet, farming feels bad when you know you could make a fortune playing the auction house... except that's really boring.
One thing I don't like about Torchlight 2 though is that there is no persistent online mode. Yea I know, surprising right? Well, I would like 2 modes. One persistent online mode that prevents modded items and hacked characters from playing with me, but also a mode like TL2's current mode where you can just mess around with mods (and not worry about your character getting hacked because your save data stored on an online server [Diablo 3] instead of your computer [TL2]).
@Gurzociurlo @blackace I wouldn't say that. Lumping everyone who buys a Nintendo system into a category and assuming they all like the same games doesn't make sense. I own a GameCube, Wii, and DSLite but that doesn't mean I don't like shooters. I also have a 360 which I used to play a ton of Halo 3 on, I played Borderlands on PC, and am currently playing Borderlands 2 (also on PC). Also Star Wars Battlefront on PS2 was sick. So yea, I wouldn't make such broad assumptions that people who buy Nintendo systems don't like shooters.
@Sardinar @OtherFabbros He is obviously talking about the picture of the dogs running towards the guy with the knife. Stupid to assume that that means gamespot is promoting anything, but seriously? "What in the hell are you talking about?" It's the picture. He never said anything about the article being biased.
Szeiden's comments