@fzd88 This is how all sports games are unfortunately and it is in the best interest of companies to continue releasing games like this since it's an accepted, though annoying, practice. The real question is how people let companies like EA get away with this in the beginning before it was an accepted practice?
Looks awesome but I'm really worried about mods. I hope there is a mod-free persistent online like Diablo in addition to a offline (and potentially online if you want to play with friends) mod-friendly version. Don't misunderstand me, mods are great and I used quite a few in Torchlight 1, but I think that there should also be a place where you can play online with people who didn't just mod "perfect stat staff X" onto their char (just as an example but there are many other potential issues like that).
Well the only reason I bought a PSP was for WipEout Pulse. PS3 for WipEout HD. PSVita for WipEout 2048. Won't be buying another Sony system if WipEout doesn't live on. Yes, I did eventually go on to get other games for these systems, but my initial purchase was always made for the WipEout games.
Szeiden's comments