It's just I remember all the fan boys who were complaining about DRM and the possibility of games servers being taken down, hence, rendering a game useless.
Seem Sony are doing this more than MS and this would be due to the free online from Sony. Hopefully Sony will use the forced subs to help with the up keep of there servers.
However, they still need to increase there global infrastructure, whether subs will be enough for that or whether Sony has to dig into its own pockets is up for debate.
Being a Brit I should not feel sorry for the Aussies, what with the Ashes comming up ( and yeah, we're gonna whoop yas). But this is all wrong, I know the Aussies have questionable cricket skills theses days, but I'm sure the adults can decided whether a games content is too harsh for the recipient.
More than likely the big boys at MS had a word with him about the DRM messup. After something like that, he had too go, you cannot have a guy heading up Xbox when no one including the community have any confidence in him.
Here hoping his replacement is more passionate as this could be a great thing for XBO.
Tadgerot's comments