@se7en1989: You realize that there are 3 different studios, staggering their releases, so each game is in development for 3 years? I doubt that Treyarch could predict what trends/setting would be popular in 2018 - back in 2015. At some point, you have to make your best guess and stick with it.
When I started last night, I had 3 characters already to go, based off characters I made in Destiny (1). I didn't have to do anything, they were just there at my character select screen. They did not have any special gear or powers.
There are only 3 character slots so if I want to make a new character I'd have to delete one.
I'm normally OKAY with cross promotions like this, but Pop Tarts? Pop Tarts are literally one of the worst things you can eat! Let's put keys in Ramen Noodles or Cat Food! Yum!
Tekarukite's comments