@yeah_28: To each their own. I really enjoyed the actual game mechanics in FO4 and didn't enjoy TW3 AT ALL. at that point, to ME, it doesn't matter which one has a better story or more RPG elements. I had a LOT more fun playing FO4. (granted the endings were terrible but that's a different discussion.)
It does seem strange to me that FO4 was even nominated for RPG, so I'll give you that one.
Saw it tonight. Totally blew away my expectations. THIS is how you make a Rated R action comedy. Period. bonus that it's a super "hero" movie, but overall, it's really well done. mad props!
you can see it as a brilliant cross promotion that many other franchises should follow this example. Imagine buying a ticket to see the Avengers and getting a year subscription to the comic. Or watching Agents of SHIELD on TV and getting a free movie ticket to watch Captain America.
I don't think this is JUST for their own fan base, rather, to bring in new people that haven't tried it yet.
@tsuingosuto1985: That's what I said/meant. Pointless console fanboys will have those arguments. Meanwhile Xbox One gamers will be enjoying Halo 5 and PC gamers will be playing Overwatch.
Just because YOU don't have interest in Overwatch doesn't mean that I haven't grasped the market. Who's having a pointless argument now?
@rosinmonkekyx17: Paraphrasing General Hux's speech on Starkiller Base:
...lightyears away, the Republic LIES to the Galaxy, while *secretly* supporting the treacherous Resistance...
The Resistance is NOT the Republic's "official" military, that's why I think the Republic was ordered to demilitarize as well.
C3P0 (when they realize the Starkiller Base has targeted the Resistance base): Without the Republic Fleet, we're doomed!
Which can be taken to mean either a. the Republic DOES have a fleet but it can't help them in time or b. the Republic no longer has a fleet "without the fleet, we're doomed!"
Unnamed captain during X-Wing assault on Starkiller Base (after 2 more X-Wings get shot down, leaving about 15 left): We've lost half our fleet! (not squadron, not assault force, HALF OUR FLEET meaning that's all of them, all of the ships they have in the Resistance.)
the PC platform was the highest selling platform of the video game industry last year, even beating mobile gaming. I think what you're trying to say is that consoles are finally reaching up to where they should be instead of settling for a cheaper, lower quality version.
@virtuasega: they had been looking - and doing other jobs. they didn't think to look on Jakku.
They explain before they went into Maz's palace that they were able to find it because they were tracking it, and were afraid the bad guys could do the same thing.
I think Lucas Films LIKES us speculating about a lot of things.
If they told us, once and for all, for example, how long Luke has been in hiding, that could stop a lot of theories and speculation. 5 years? 10? 15? If it's only 5, that would shoot down a lot of theories about Rey. Heck, if they even told us how old Kylo Ren is, that would stop some speculation.
Tekarukite's comments