Well done! Thank you for a spoiler-free review! It's amazing how easy that is, yet sooooo many "journalists" can't seem to do it. I can't wait to see it!!
@Vojtass: I thought that was exactly what they announced in their video a few days ago. They were doing things "differently" this year, and we would see only exclusive games per platform, and then a separate best overall category. sigh.
@bud-wiser: It's possible those are analog sticks, they show up even in the "browser" pics which make them look like they're in the way. if they were touch screen only, you'd think they'd go away for that application.
@coop36: people still say that? the PS Move controller are the exact opposite of the Wii controllers. For the Wii, the sensor or "eye" is in the controller and it detects where the two led lights in the "sensor" bar are. For the PS Move, the "EYE" is literally a camera that detects where the controllers are. it's the opposite.
I can dig it. Xbox controller is perfection, but that doesn't mean it's the ONLY way to do things. I like the idea of buttons near the analog sticks. though the rear triggers just being buttons worries me, as if Nintendo is trying to be TOO different, again, instead of valuing years of gaming comfort and preferences.
I'll be optimistic. If they create this division and DEMAND that studios implement STANDARD features - features that are currently LACKING in EA titles - than at least those titles will be stronger than they are now.
For example: Give us the ability to create CUSTOM MATCHES. Such a no-brainer. You can't host TOURNAMENTS when there is no way to have opposing teams join the same game. Adding features like spectator modes and broadcasting/shoutcasting modes would be ideal, too.
@jdkillustration: NO, actually FPS is NOT the most saturated market.
The percentage of SHOOTERS (FPS and Third Person) has climbed year after year - but that's a climb from 12% to 15% to 20%. That's hardly saturating the market.
Tekarukite's comments