@illegal_peanut: Well, not quite. Wing Chun is what Ip Man (which we know from Donnie Yen's awesome movies about the character), Bruce Lee's master, used. It's not overly flashy, but still very cool and effective. Bruce then built on that and developed his own style, Jeet Kune Do, which is extremely flashy indeed (though probably somewhat less useful for most people in a real fight than Wing Chun at a high level, imo), and which we see him use in his movies. Anyway, I agree Wing Chun would have been really cool to use in the game. Same with Jeet Kune Do.
Well, I already played through the leaked version (which was fun, but only for a short while), but this is cool I guess. Not so much if you need to have an Online/Expansion/whateva pass just to be able to play the game in singleplayer on the Switch though. Also, how much do we wanna bet this only finally happened because of the leak not too long back lol?
@Tiwill44: Finally someone who feels the way I do. I enjoyed Breath of the Wild, but I missed proper dungeons, music, and story, and hated the lack of enemy variety and the weapon breaking mechanic, and Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess were all far more enjoyable games to me. And this has Skyward Sword vibes to it, which only makes me cautious more than anything, since that game was my least favourite 3D Zelda game by a country mile, and the only one I didn't really like. But we'll see I guess. Maybe it will be awsome, who knows. Time will tell. Like you said, this trailer doesn't show much.
Well, this doesn't show much. Doesn't answer the important questions, like will there be proper dungeons this time? Skyward Sword is also my least favourite 3D Zelda game by miles, so the Skyward Sword vibes in this has me worried more than anything, but we'll see...It's nice to have a release date though.
Yeah, as much as I loved replaying these games in HD and with quality of life improvements on the WiiU, the console and its huge gamepad gets no use from me anymore, so having the games on the Switch is very welcome. Basically every other important WiiU game is on the Switch already.
Disney was great in the 90's and earlier, but is horrible these days, and has been for a while. Buying up and destroying properties left and right (when they're not busy butchering their own classics with god awful remakes). So the comparison doesn't really do him any favours anymore.
See? This is why I stick to physical games when possible, and why I dislike digital only DLC's. And yet, some modern gamers still don't seem to understand what the problem is, and will vehemently defend the practice. The way whoever wrote this article acts like this is a good compromise is also really weird. This still means that a bunch of people, which will probably include me, are going to forever lose access to the DLC for some AC games that we haven't played yet. I don't buy and download DLC for games before I actually start playing those games, and I don't keep track of which, if any, DLC's are available for the games I haven't played yet. Some games have rereleases (GOT editions, PS4 remasters of PS3 titles etc) that include all the DLC. But that's not true for all games.
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