[QUOTE="Enid_Green"]Do you play alot of Halo?No, he plays a lot of Call of Duty, and a little bit of Halo. Though I don't mind enemies having regenerating shields, as lot as they're not bullet sponges. *cough*Reach*cough*Anything that has endless respawns, regenerating shields, or a sniper rifle.
TheEngima683's forum posts
Because it's immensely popular, and anything that is incredibly popular receive a lot of backlash. But it depends whether or not, the game deserves the backlash. In Black Ops case, no. It's not a great game, but it isn't bad like a lot of internet rebels make it out to be. The game is quite good; the single-player is adequate and the multi-player is well-balance. However, it has flaws worth noting. Such as Sam Worthington's bizarre voice acting, over-use of slow motion, respawning enemies, poor maps, inconsistent hit-detection, and a godawful spawn-system.
Overall, it's a solid game. Not as good as CoD4, but MUCH better than Modern Warfare 2.
I've enjoyed what I've played of it so far. Definitely seems better than Halo 2 and Halo 3, to me.AndromedasWakeIt's certainly is better than Halo 2 & 3 if you want randomnes than multi-player that takes skill and tactical considerations to play.
I don't mind being different, but I do mind if the significant gameplay changes brakes the formula. Halo: Reach doesn't feel like Halo, it plays like some bizarre combination of Shadowrun and Call of Duty... with a little bit of Halo thrown in there.I wasn't thrilled with the campaign. There were a lot of steps they could have taken to make the whole story more meaningful, but it just fell flat. I bought the game on release and wasn't too happy with the multiplayer so I quit until a few weeks ago, but I have to say, it kind of grows on you. All in all, I'd say the campaign is the worst of any Halo game I've played (not including ODST), but the multiplayer isn't bad, it's just really different.
As the only Halo campaign I've ever played through, I found it quite disappointing. For a series that gets so much hype and praise, I was expecting strong set-pieces and a rousing, intense campaign...and it just never got there. The story and level design were uninspired, the missions weren't particularly memorable, the cutscenes...eh, everything just seemed run-of-the-mill (but with good production values). I suppose that I enjoyed it, and the multiplayer is pretty fun (even if Halo 3 seemed to have better maps), but I don't think I'd ever want to make it more than a rental. I seriously hope that that isn't the best game the Halo franchise has to offer.PlaneforgerNo, it actually isn't. This is actuallly the worse game in the series, not including Halo: Wars.
The storyline and characters in Reach were stupid to the max. As if Halo wasn't already full of stereotypes and stolen plots, Reach just took it to the next level. Your squad was the typical "culturally diverse" group. I almost expected to see some guy in a wheelchair acting as the squad's geeky tech supporter.Next, we have this ultimate quest to save Reach and it was SO dramatic! Yeah, not really. The ending was also a dud, definitely the kind of popcorn "drama" that would appeal to the 14-year-old boys who play this game. It was just milking an already milked-out franchise. I was willing to give Halo a chance after Halo 3 (which was a decline in the series, IMO) but Reach was the new low.MrmccormoHalo didn't decline with Halo 3. Halo 3's multi-player didn't have the bests maps in the series and there were a few issues with the spawns, but it was certainly the most balance of the series. Halo 2's weapon balance was all over the place and Halo: CE's's pistol rendered every other weapon useless. The single-player wasn't the best in the series either, but it was solid and didn't have those annoying repetitive corridors Halo: CE & 2 had.
Suffice to say, the series declined when Halo: Wars came out. Ironically, Halo Wars had a better story than Halo: Reach.... That's just sad. But you're spot on about Reach's storyline. It was terrible, even worse than Halo 2's.
For Bungie's last send-off to the series, I can't help, but to be disappointed by it. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad game, but it ain't great either. I enjoyed every Halo game, even ODST, despite it being an overpriced expansion pack. However, I haven't enjoyed Reach much, because it f***ed around with the Halo formula too much and 75% of the promises made in the vidocs were didn't make the final cut or were handled poorly.
Here's a list of reasons why I think Reach had the worst multi-player out of the series:
- Inconsistent Weapon Balance
- Atrocious Maps
- Bloom randomize shots
- Armor Abilities don't provide tactical considerations to the combat, but provide cheap tricks to the player. Armor Lock anyone?
- Broken Rank System
- Unbalance vehicless (Warthog is not only underpowered, but light as all Hell.)
- Double meleeing makes the melee system cheap
- Grenades are mini-nukes
- The spawn-system is broken
- The beta was considerably better than the final game
Here's a list of reasons why I think Reach had the worst campaign of the franchise:
- Lack of any real intense or memorable set-pieces
- Enemy A.I. isn't smarter than prior Halo games, they're just cheaper.
- Friendly A.I. is worse than Halo 2 & 3
- The game lacks atmosphere
- Where are those 20 to 40 A.I. battles Bungie promised?
- The characters are bland and undeveloped (except for Jorge) for a character driven story
- Mission design is poor and mission objectives repeat themselves
- No scarab battles
- New gameplay elements to the series, such as; jetpack platforming, space combat, and on-rails shooting segments are undeveloped and very brief
Were you disappointed by Halo: Reach? Unless were you a Halo hater...
The only thing overrated on this board are people's opinion of their opinions. DeathtransitI agree with you for once. Kudos.
Not really. It doesn't look bad by any means. It looks solid, both artistically and technically. But it's definitely not one of the top 10 or even the top 25 best looking games of this gen.
[QUOTE="TheEngima683"]its 3... 2... 1... not 1... 2... 3...I'm going to be flamed, no matter what.Ugh, not another "x game is overrated" thread. The internet already has enough of these. As of this moment, the word overrated is overrated. Yeah, I said it.
I'm going to be flamed in 1... 2... 3...
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