In reality it goes like this.[QUOTE="TheEngima683"]
Campaign: Halo: CE > Halo 3 > Halo 2 > Halo 3: ODST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reach
Multi-player: Halo 2 > Halo 3 > Halo: CE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reach
Halo 2 was ruined by a host of hacks, glitches, and button combinations.
Sure it had great maps, but BxR and superjumping sucked all the fun right out of the game, within years of release. Honestly, Halo 3 and Reach, while not having the awesome maps, at least maintain a sense of balance throughout the game.
It was great fun, but competitively, Halo 2 was the most broken Halo game to date. Even Robot eventually patched some balance into Halo Wars - Bungie can't say the same for Halo 2.
I'll give you on the weapon balance in Halo 2, but the glitches made the multi-player all the more fun. But to say Halo: Reach is balance is idiotic.Here's a list that explains why Reach is more unbalance than Halo 2:
- Bloom randomize shots
- Concussion rifle is overpowered
- Pistol is just as weak as Halo 3's pistol, but more so with bloom
- Shotgun is overpowered
- Plasma launcher is overpowered
- The grenades are overpowered
- Not only is the warthog underpowered, but WAY too light.
- Vehicles damage is individual with the players, this cause way too many problems to list.
- Plasma repeater is useless
- Sniper Rifle is overpowered
- Assault Rifle is overpowered
- Armor abilities doesn't provide tactical options, but cheap tricks for the player to use
- Double melee ruins what could've been a perfect Halo melee system, but makes it more overpowered than Halo 3's melees and beatdowns.
- Sprinting makes it easy to charge at a player to melee them
- Active Cloak makes it easy for campers to dominate matches with the already overpowered sniper rifle.
- Armor Lock is to Halo, as One Man Army is to Call of Duty. Enough said.
- Jetpack easily allows players to reach high places, to place unexpected and cheap punt shots at players.
- Spawn-system is broken
I could go on, because this is only a taste of how Reach's multi-player is busted.
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