@consolehaven: --companies always use viral campaigns these days --and believe it or not --MS is still using this as a story(here today) --it is nowhere near the impact they had hoped to stir 3-4 years ago --but nevertheless --it does draw attention to the xbox brand --positive energy(interesting and something to gab about) --and something unique
--product marketing is not always like selling used tires(get em today 12$ a piece!) --with long term marketing of a brand --you have to slowly and steadily lace people's minds with the brand --until it feels like your friend --sorta like the geico gecko(such a likable little fella)
@johnholmes: --you basically agree with my logic --because how can a console --that has 'hardly even had time' to be designed~manufactured and primed with launch exclusives --be coming out in like 1 year? --it does not make sense friend
--the ONLY way what you are saying makes sense --is if MS started developing scorpio right around the time xb1 was launching --xb1 has been out right around 3 years --was it year 2 of xb1's life cycle that they decided to design an entirely new console? --or --was it right around the time that xb1 had failed so hard that they were about to be wiped off the map --that MS started giving away xb1 bundles --and talking about the messiah of consoles(coming next year) --the scorpio
@siarhei: --but you have to admit --sony was not planning on having to use ps4pro to compete with scorpio --and ps4pro and scorpio are not the "same thing" --which is what sony wants to keep concealing --by jibber jabbering nonsense
--bottom line is --Neo was a more powerful console(it may even have been a separate entity~speculation) --to be released along side PSVR(what else would they have been working on?) --and now sony is all --oh no no --we got the answer to scorpio --when --the obvious truth is --even xbox does not know exactly what scorpio is
--all i am saying is --2 months before announcement? --in video gaming console land? --that is like sony getting scorpio's specs(and the entire prototype) --what? --almost 1/2 a year ago?
@smokerob79: --2 months before announcement? --not 2 months before launch --yes --sony would definitely pay for that console(almost priceless info) --i mean --they probably found one anyway --but --if the xb1 console was not available to sony at all --the prototype would be worth A TON(during that time frame)
--lots of pandering to the audience these days with the new stuff --why guess and hope --when you can just give people what they want?
--if you are not gonna make a racing game --fighting --FPS/3PS map based PVP(which should be in mostly all great online games~but this is a standard game type by itself) --strategy~puzzle~indie~retro --if you wanna make "the game"(the future ~the present~the shit) --it all starts with 2 things --AMAZING well developed game-play basics --and then --DEEP DEEP DEEP personalized RPG character customization(weapon~vehicle~and home base) --i mean --what was the division then? right? --it was 'almost' all that except --the gameplay was not AMAZING --and it CERTAINLY was not well-developed --but --you gotta have that DEEP personalizable option in the characters --that is what gamers want(in this type of game) --and --it is what makes games fun --gtaonline has it down --but --gtao gets old(i have not played it but about 500hrs and i quit around a year ago) --as all games do --but it is literally the only game 'doing it right' --more game companies should just copy R* --that is all the division is --it is like a VERY small part of gtaO --the division was basically gtaO's "mission parts" --and that is sorta all the division is
--when you are trying to make a great game --a real top tier piece of AAA heaven --it only really requires a few elements(at it's core) --one is a developer with a solid vision --working with a solid team --on familiar software and hardware --and 'the right' budget --but --even in this perfect atmosphere for creating the best games --some games are gonna suck(and score all the way down the scale) --but the best games ALWAYS come from that exact basic formula
--now --if you want a game to suck --here is what you do --get the developers mixed up with the suits --let the suits have to much say so --try and make everyone happy(fan service~pandering to the audience) --paying WAY TOO much attention to lunatics on the web who are usually only 'complaining' --i guess --you cannot 'force out' a great game --it has to be a natural growth
--it is all very simple --and --not every game is gonna be platinum --but every game that ever has been --they were all built with those aforementioned characteristics in the development process
@smokerob79: --2 months before xb1 even gets announced? --to the right person --that console woulda been worth as much as a million dollars or more --just call sony --ya know?
--uhhh --that is not the truth --they just did this(back then) to create xb1 news stories(and hype) --this story obviously never 'got hot' or went viral
--you gotta understand folks --nothing is what it seems to be(especially with a company as powerful as MS) --and when something is this ridiculously unlikely??? --if it actually happened --MS would have seen the console was missing(quickly) --and when he hooked it to his internet(or when he called them) --MS would have come to his house --and over the next few weeks --secretly exterminated the man's entire bloodline
--this is as likely as --like ordering a GE washing machine --and 'somehow a fricking nother' --GE accidentally shipped you a 'top secret government weapon of war prototype' --because --well see --GE 'apparently' was hiding the top secret stuff --RIGHT THERE in the regular ole GE shipping departments.... blah blah bloah
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