--these new consoles are already backtracking on what they are supposed to be --which 'for one' is backwards compatible out of the gate --PS4pro is a VR machine(that will have BC based on demand~the way xb1 is doing it) --what else would it be? --one thing is for sure --playstation doesnt even know for sure what they wanna "say" it is
--the truth is --PS has NO IDEA what scorpio is --and --when xbox announced scorpio --playstation did what they have done MANY times when competing with xbox --they just put their asses in the air --and hollered "me too~me too" --when in reality --PS4pro is OBVIOUSLY playstaion's VR machine --which is NOT what scorpio is --and god dammit --if some ignorant fool starts yelping about their understanding of 'what scorpio is' --scorpio is a picture of a mother board --and is a myth only fueled by a whole lot of fanboi wetdreams
@silversix_: --common sense says --why would bungie dump a 160-170 million user base?(in the trash?) --just to make a 65 million user base 'feel good'?(when they could have kept the entire 1/4billion userbase in the deal) --xb1 has only sold like 22 million units --and destiny is not a REAL big seller on xbox(or either console really) --most of the destiny stuff sold on the older consoles(especially initially) --there was/is still MILLION$ to be raked in on 7th gen consoles --and no one on 8th gen really thinks Roi is gonna be much of anything 'different' than the other expansions --the Roi info is out(anyone playing destiny knows what it all is) --companies do not do dump money in the trash --just to "make people feel good"(not that kinda money) --either xb and PS paid em off --or they actually were not gonna make any money off of 7th gen(which is impossible) --so the only common sense option is --they actually did 'something' in Roi that just would not 'cut it' on 7th gen --and --we are all moving into a newer more complex time in gaming
--cable companies passed ALL KINDA laws through congress --right around the time they realized their only future was internet (mid 2000s-ish) --so most cable companies are gonna keep that dog on the leash as long as they can --but --based on even the simplest understanding of how computer-tech 'grows' --wireless signals(coming from mostly cell-phone signal provider's tech) --should replace cable lines within 3-5 years(for internet signals) --by 2020 --cable companies will be about as powerful as blockbuster is today(even though redbox has surprised) --so in other words --all this will be in vain --and if you thought cable companies were the devil --have you ever dealt with a phone/cellphone provider? ha
@inebriantia: --vegas was NO WHERE near as good as fallout3 --vegas was a good game even a 'great' game --but fallout 3(especially in it's day) --was easily one of the greatest games of not only 7th gen --but of all time
@louixiii: --i was FLOORED by season 1 --season 2 was good --season 3 was ok --and season 4? --i mean --i could not even get through the first few episodes --never even gave 5 a chance --6 actually looks interesting(but that is most likely becuase they are not showing us what it is ha)
--i do really respect how the show completely changes each season --at first i was a lil pissed they left the first season story completely --but soon delighted by the idea --of a show that goes into a full metamorphosis each season --takes guts to do that --when you have a good show
--i am not excited about it at all(in many ways i could not loath this game more) --but the group of gamers i game with --well --about the only game we can 'group together' and play together(that is not just standard PVP) --is destiny(i just can not bring myself to play gtaonline anymore~hundreds of hrs on that) --and as lacking as the game is(destiny) --it cannot be denied --it is gonna be an AMAZING BLAST figuring out the new raid --while hanging out with my favorite group of folks to game with
--it seems other game companies would pick up on 'that fact' --and make more games like destiny --i guess they tried with the division --but --that game BLOWS --and just does not have the content nor anywhere near the depth of engaging activities as destiny
@meedokicky: --from what i can tell --comparing all the pics --the PS4pro is 'a touch' larger than the original ps4 --but actually right around the same size as one
@darthrevenx: --it is all ugly as turd to me --the xb1 and the xb1s are both squared off like a brick --although --the ps4slim is the ugliest --but damn --it is SOOO tiny
--man?? --looks like you could almost put the ps4s into the disc drive of the xb1s --also --first time that i have noticed that --the xb1slim is not all that much smaller than the original xb1
TheZeroPercent's comments