--i played only horizon2 for quite a while(it is RATHER great) --so --i quit around the time no mans sky come out --so that was right around a month ago --i am 37 years old --sometimes a month will go by --and i didnt even really notice --like --i mark my home's ac air filter monthly on a dry-erase board on my fridge --somehow --i went 2 months straight without changing it --because like is said --i am old --and a month to me --i really not that much time
@sladakrobot: --i have lots of consoles out --2 wiius 2ps4s 2 xbs and a 360(i also have a way to store my 2 3dsxls and my vita~to keep them clean) --i have covers that i throw over any console i am not using regularly --ill air-can spray out the dust on the console and controller --wipe it all down --lay the controller near/on top of the console --and throw a cover over it
--i quit playin horizon 2 about a month ago --i was on a xb1 binge --i beat sunset overdrive --tried out halo 5 --and FINALLY got around to state of decay(the xb1 version)
--but recently --i got doom on ps4 and it was REALLY F'F hard to finish --now i am suffering through no mans sky --like any real hardcore gamer would have by this point
--but --apparently(as i have learned the hard way) --the MP has been broken by hackers for years(on the 360 version) --and R* is FULLY aware of it --but had completely shut down RDR's tech support(years ago) --so --WHY IN THE HELL --is the MP even on the xb1 version? --ya know?
--i mean --it is so broken --it is kinda ridiculous
--hmm --maybe a reason to take the dust cover off of my xb1 for a lil while --i have recently beat myself in the face for a while finishing doom's story(i play multiplats on ps4) --and continuously struggled to 'get going' in no mans sky(seriously i will watch movies to avoid playing that homework of a game)
--pretty sure i will end up with horizon 3 though(later on down the road) --and honestly --i just finished horizon 2 AND most of storm island DLC --so i am a touch burned out on horizon(if that is possible)
@iandizion713: --i finally upgraded my RDR to xb1 --after 'all the fuss'(RDR sells going up 6000% on amazon and such) --you should know --i had all achievements --and over 500hrs in the online MP(full prestige and most of the golden guns) --so --'going back' seemed like a good idea --game is a DISASTER --MP is COMPLETELY BROKEN --and NO ONE was playing --and i was so pissed --sometimes it is best to leave the past in the past(especially when it was not really that long ago anyways)
--i just wish they would do SOMETHING to these PS2 games besides 'just port' them --like gta3 for example --but also --man hunt --the peripheral controls are HORRID --can they not just do a little coding and make the game 'playable'(by today's very well established standards)
--i guess those are both R* games --but --i also have The Warriors(another R* game) --and it has full on peripheral control by the right stick(and functions well for it's age) --all 3 of those games are built in the same engine by mostly the same coders --can they not just recode a little full peripheral controls(when needed) --at least try it --especially if they are charging 1/3 the price of a full price AAA title
TheZeroPercent's comments