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--i dont even have to play the game for 20 secs
--the info is in(even though at least 10 critics have not been tallied into the metascore yet)
--the game is a 7/10(it is a 'good' game)
--i can guarantee you that

--i will wait until it is around 20$ and then i will 'give it a run'(only 'so much time' for a game like this one)

--i mean
--what am i playing now?
--knack(i got it for like 3$)
--horizon 2(free)
--until dawn 18$(and let me tell you~that game is something else too)
--cant really get going in state of decay~but i am still playing it(got the xb1 triple pack for like 18$)
--recently beat sunset overdrive 10$
--and i mean
--but i do not pay 65$ for 7/10s
--it just aint how i roll
--what will i pay 'top dollar' for?
--top dollar shit

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--i have had a ps4 since launch
--i have never had any real issues with getting the console to play it's games
--same with xb1(day one edition)
--and i didnt hate kinect2 for any reason
--except the fact that i actually supported it early
--and was sorta hyped about it
--it was basically supposed to be my own personal robot(that i could use to conquer life)
--all it EVER really did properly
--was come on all the time on accident

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--i have no real beef with either ps4 or xb1's OS or UI(really even from day one~except i loathed kinect2)
--i mean
--i am always up for upgrades and updates
--in general
--i just use these consoles to 'game'

--my first 3-4 consoles didnt even have a ui
--they just had holes in them
--where you jammed games in
--you jammed em real good
--and you dealt with that shit
--like a goddamned man
--instead of crying
--like a spoiled rich girl in prison

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--it IS a little nutty
--that wiiU has hardly sold 13million units
--but that splatoon has sold right under 5million units
--whereas(for a comparison)
--PS4 has sold well over 42 million units
--yet bloodborne has hardly sold 2 million units
--and halo 5 sold 4 million units

--i mean
--i am STILL not sure why nintendo is dropping the A-bomb on wiiU(killing it off as a failure)
--it seems if they would just make some damn AAAs for it(or hadda made)
--they could 'hang in there' a few more years
--drop the price of the wiiU(substantially)
--and get the wiiU 'units sold' numbers over the 20million units mark(a success for future reference)
--and make a little money off of games
--and count on 3ds to cover their ass in the meantime(as well as a few other products they sell)

--i cant be the only one
--that is shocked
--that nintendo is letting their 8th gen console
--their 6th home console(nintendo's 8th gen baby)
--just flush down the toilet(full-on abortion)
--since it still sells reasonably(around 25,000-35,000 units a week)
--and wiiU's AAAs sell high numbers
--mario kart 8 has sold around 8 million units
--SM3DW 4million+
--smash bros sold well
--mario maker sold over 3 million
--and NONE of their main AAAs sold under 1 million(are they aware of how many games do not even sell 1 million units?)
--most multi-plat AAAs usually hardly reach 4-5 million units sold

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--i have to play destiny more than id like
--because my favorite gaming pals always wanna play it(and i like having friends to game with)
--it is a SOLID shooter
--the shooting mechanics and upgrade systems are top notch(fine-tuned)
--and the MP aspect is impressive and constantly getting better
--since Sept 2014(almost 2 years ago)
--there have been 2 destiny DLC expansion packs
--plus a 3rd large DLC called The Taken King
--there is another HUGE DLC called Rise of Iron(the new one)
--with this above mentioned 'package'
--you get the vanilla game
--all 3 previous dlcs
--plus this here 4th and newest one
--this latest one being a PRETTY large upgrade(8th gen exclusive even)

--if you had bought all of the content new at full price
--we are talking 165$ of content
--enough content
--to pretty much never run out of something to do
--whether you wanna run around by yourself(shooting aliens~upgrading and collecting RPG style gaming)
--or play with 2 other people
--or 5
--destiny is QUITE the playground for co-op

--destiny is really the only game that i can play with 5 other people at once(except for online shooters)
--the destiny 'raids'
--are BY FAR the craziest 'experience' i have ever had in co-op MP
--if we didnt have the internet to guide us
--im not sure ANYONE(group of 6)
--could have ever even 'figured out' a raid
--and then to finish it on hard difficulty
--in the early stages of learning to defeat a raid
--it can almost be like a religious experience(or something)
--'the bonds' you make with other player while 'leaning on each other' to defeat the raids
--like i said
--"it is BY FAR the craziest 'experience' i have ever had in co-op MP"

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--the taken king(bundle) was
--1.'vanilla' destiny
--2.the dark below
--3.the house of wolves
--4.The taken king

--this deal above is for
--1.all 4 of those
--2. the rise of iron

--no one at bungie ever said that if you bought 'the taken king'(bundle)
--that you would get all future dlc for free
--it seems they kinda 'saved the best for last' with rise of iron
--i mean
--it is a PRETTY substantial single dlc
--also it is 8th gen exclusive
--if you like/love destiny
--this DLC will pretty much be essential

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--batteries would last longer without lights on both consoles
--and yes
--xb1's controller should charge exactly how ps4's does
--and no
--it is not cool to use the word retard

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Edited By TheZeroPercent

--just "follow" me back
--i am gonna step up and be your friend
--now stand up and shake my hand back
--look me in the eyes
--and say
--"it is nice being GS pals"

--the christmas parties last for weeks around here

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--it is just 'these days' compared to the older days of pc gaming
--a lot of 6th and 7th gen games were basically PC games dumbed down to console
--and there were MAJOR titles that would only run on 'very high end' gaming pcs(like crysis and witcher)
--but nowadays
--it seems like in the last 2 years
--there are none of those HUGE PC only games(ones that keep the console locked gamers drooling)
--many(not all~just many)
--hell lets just say 'a growing number' of
--multiplat games that used to come out on PC almost flawlessly
--come out on PC
--and are basically a ruined heap(at launch)

--i have theories
--but one things is for sure
--it is not on accident(or pure sloppiness)

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Edited By TheZeroPercent

--more "the world is falling apart because of PoGo" news
--no but seriously
--the first week or 2 of this game
--and i honeslty
--was a little concerned about the future of humanity